You can install and configure a basic OKD Virtualization environment to explore its features and functionality.
Cluster configuration procedures require |
Prepare your cluster for OKD Virtualization.
Review the storage requirements for cloning, snapshots, and live migration.
Install the OKD Virtualization Operator.
Install the virtctl
Create a virtual machine:
Quick create a virtual machine using the web console.
Create and customize Windows boot sources.
Install VirtIO drivers and the QEMU guest agent on the virtual machine.
Connect to a virtual machine:
Connect to the serial console or VNC console of a virtual machine using the web console.
Connect to a virtual machine using SSH.
Connect to a Windows virtual machine using RDP.
Stop, start, pause, and restart a virtual machine from the web console.
Manage a virtual machine, expose a port, and connect to the serial console of a virtual machine from the command line with virtctl
Monitor resources, details, status, and top consumers on the Virtualization Overview page.
View high-level information about your virtual machines on the Virtual Machines dashboard.
View virtual machine logs.
Automate Windows virtual machine deployments with sysprep