
When an Operator Lifecycle Manager (OLM) catalog source of source type grpc defines a spec.image, the Catalog Operator creates a pod that serves the defined image content. By default, this pod defines the following in its spec:

  • Only the kubernetes.io/os=linux node selector

  • No priority class name

  • No tolerations

As an administrator, you can override these values by modifying fields in the CatalogSource object’s optional spec.grpcPodConfig section.

Overriding the node selector for catalog source pods

  • CatalogSource object of source type grpc with spec.image defined

  • Edit the CatalogSource object and add or modify the spec.grpcPodConfig section to include the following:

          custom_label: <label>

    where <label> is the label for the node selector that you want catalog source pods to use for scheduling.

Overriding the priority class name for catalog source pods

  • CatalogSource object of source type grpc with spec.image defined

  • Edit the CatalogSource object and add or modify the spec.grpcPodConfig section to include the following:

        priorityClassName: <priority_class>

    where <priority_class> is one of the following:

    • One of the default priority classes provided by Kubernetes: system-cluster-critical or system-node-critical

    • An empty set ("") to assign the default priority

    • A pre-existing and custom defined priority class

Previously, the only pod scheduling parameter that could be overriden was priorityClassName. This was done by adding the operatorframework.io/priorityclass annotation to the CatalogSource object. For example:

apiVersion: operators.coreos.com/v1alpha1
kind: CatalogSource
  name: example-catalog
  namespace: namespace: olm
    operatorframework.io/priorityclass: system-cluster-critical

If a CatalogSource object defines both the annotation and spec.grpcPodConfig.priorityClassName, the annotation takes precedence over the configuration parameter.

Additional resources

Overriding tolerations for catalog source pods

  • CatalogSource object of source type grpc with spec.image defined

  • Edit the CatalogSource object and add or modify the spec.grpcPodConfig section to include the following:

          - key: "<key_name>"
            operator: "<operator_type>"
            value: "<value>"
            effect: "<effect>"