Average usage - use these settings for most usage situations.
Large usage - use these settings for large usage situations, such as a large PV (500GB Usage), multiple namespaces (100+), or many pods within a single namespace (2000 pods+), and for optimal performance for backup and restore involving large datasets.
Restic resource usage corresponds to the amount of data, and type of data. For example, many small files or large amounts of data can cause Restic to utilize large amounts of resources. The Velero documentation references 500m as a supplied default, for most of our testing we found 200m request suitable with 1000m limit. As cited in the Velero documentation, exact CPU and memory usage is dependent on the scale of files and directories, in addition to environmental limitations.
Increasing the CPU has a significant impact on improving backup and restore times.
DataMover - DataMover default resourceTimeout is 10m. Our tests show that for restoring a large PV (500GB usage), it is required to increase the resourceTimeout to 60m.