
Viewing the network state of a node

Node network state is the network configuration for all nodes in the cluster. A NodeNetworkState object exists on every node in the cluster. This object is periodically updated and captures the state of the network for that node.

  1. List all the NodeNetworkState objects in the cluster:

    $ oc get nns
  2. Inspect a NodeNetworkState object to view the network on that node. The output in this example has been redacted for clarity:

    $ oc get nns node01 -o yaml
    Example output
    apiVersion: nmstate.io/v1
    kind: NodeNetworkState
      name: node01 (1)
      currentState: (2)
      lastSuccessfulUpdateTime: "2020-01-31T12:14:00Z" (3)
    1 The name of the NodeNetworkState object is taken from the node.
    2 The currentState contains the complete network configuration for the node, including DNS, interfaces, and routes.
    3 Timestamp of the last successful update. This is updated periodically as long as the node is reachable and can be used to evalute the freshness of the report.

Managing policy by using the CLI

Creating an interface on nodes

Create an interface on nodes in the cluster by applying a NodeNetworkConfigurationPolicy manifest to the cluster. The manifest details the requested configuration for the interface.

By default, the manifest applies to all nodes in the cluster. To add the interface to specific nodes, add the spec: nodeSelector parameter and the appropriate <key>:<value> for your node selector.

You can configure multiple nmstate-enabled nodes concurrently. The configuration applies to 50% of the nodes in parallel. This strategy prevents the entire cluster from being unavailable if the network connection fails. To apply the policy configuration in parallel to a specific portion of the cluster, use the maxUnavailable field.

  1. Create the NodeNetworkConfigurationPolicy manifest. The following example configures a Linux bridge on all worker nodes and configures the DNS resolver:

    apiVersion: nmstate.io/v1
    kind: NodeNetworkConfigurationPolicy
      name: br1-eth1-policy (1)
      nodeSelector: (2)
        node-role.kubernetes.io/worker: "" (3)
      maxUnavailable: 3 (4)
          - name: br1
            description: Linux bridge with eth1 as a port (5)
            type: linux-bridge
            state: up
              dhcp: true
              enabled: true
              auto-dns: false
                  enabled: false
                - name: eth1
        dns-resolver: (6)
            - example.com
            - example.org
    1 Name of the policy.
    2 Optional: If you do not include the nodeSelector parameter, the policy applies to all nodes in the cluster.
    3 This example uses the node-role.kubernetes.io/worker: "" node selector to select all worker nodes in the cluster.
    4 Optional: Specifies the maximum number of nmstate-enabled nodes that the policy configuration can be applied to concurrently. This parameter can be set to either a percentage value (string), for example, "10%", or an absolute value (number), such as 3.
    5 Optional: Human-readable description for the interface.
    6 Optional: Specifies the search and server settings for the DNS server.
  2. Create the node network policy:

    $ oc apply -f br1-eth1-policy.yaml (1)
    1 File name of the node network configuration policy manifest.

Additional resources

Confirming node network policy updates on nodes

A NodeNetworkConfigurationPolicy manifest describes your requested network configuration for nodes in the cluster. The node network policy includes your requested network configuration and the status of execution of the policy on the cluster as a whole.

When you apply a node network policy, a NodeNetworkConfigurationEnactment object is created for every node in the cluster. The node network configuration enactment is a read-only object that represents the status of execution of the policy on that node. If the policy fails to be applied on the node, the enactment for that node includes a traceback for troubleshooting.

  1. To confirm that a policy has been applied to the cluster, list the policies and their status:

    $ oc get nncp
  2. Optional: If a policy is taking longer than expected to successfully configure, you can inspect the requested state and status conditions of a particular policy:

    $ oc get nncp <policy> -o yaml
  3. Optional: If a policy is taking longer than expected to successfully configure on all nodes, you can list the status of the enactments on the cluster:

    $ oc get nnce
  4. Optional: To view the configuration of a particular enactment, including any error reporting for a failed configuration:

    $ oc get nnce <node>.<policy> -o yaml

Removing an interface from nodes

You can remove an interface from one or more nodes in the cluster by editing the NodeNetworkConfigurationPolicy object and setting the state of the interface to absent.

Removing an interface from a node does not automatically restore the node network configuration to a previous state. If you want to restore the previous state, you will need to define that node network configuration in the policy.

If you remove a bridge or bonding interface, any node NICs in the cluster that were previously attached or subordinate to that bridge or bonding interface are placed in a down state and become unreachable. To avoid losing connectivity, configure the node NIC in the same policy so that it has a status of up and either DHCP or a static IP address.

Deleting the node network policy that added an interface does not change the configuration of the policy on the node. Although a NodeNetworkConfigurationPolicy is an object in the cluster, it only represents the requested configuration.
Similarly, removing an interface does not delete the policy.

  1. Update the NodeNetworkConfigurationPolicy manifest used to create the interface. The following example removes a Linux bridge and configures the eth1 NIC with DHCP to avoid losing connectivity:

    apiVersion: nmstate.io/v1
    kind: NodeNetworkConfigurationPolicy
      name: <br1-eth1-policy> (1)
      nodeSelector: (2)
        node-role.kubernetes.io/worker: "" (3)
        - name: br1
          type: linux-bridge
          state: absent (4)
        - name: eth1 (5)
          type: ethernet (6)
          state: up (7)
            dhcp: true (8)
            enabled: true (9)
    1 Name of the policy.
    2 Optional: If you do not include the nodeSelector parameter, the policy applies to all nodes in the cluster.
    3 This example uses the node-role.kubernetes.io/worker: "" node selector to select all worker nodes in the cluster.
    4 Changing the state to absent removes the interface.
    5 The name of the interface that is to be unattached from the bridge interface.
    6 The type of interface. This example creates an Ethernet networking interface.
    7 The requested state for the interface.
    8 Optional: If you do not use dhcp, you can either set a static IP or leave the interface without an IP address.
    9 Enables ipv4 in this example.
  2. Update the policy on the node and remove the interface:

    $ oc apply -f <br1-eth1-policy.yaml> (1)
    1 File name of the policy manifest.

Example policy configurations for different interfaces

Before you read the different example NodeNetworkConfigurationPolicy (NNCP) manifest configurations, consider the following factors when you apply a policy so that your cluster runs at its best performance conditions:

  • When you need to apply a policy to more than one node, create a NodeNetworkConfigurationPolicy manifest for each target node. The Kubernetes NMState Operator applies the policy to each node with an NNCP in an unspecified order. Scoping a policy with this approach reduces the length of time for policy application but risks a cluster-wide outage if an error is in the cluster’s configuration. To avoid this type of error, initially apply NNCP to some nodes, and after you confirm they are configured correctly, proceed with applying the policy to the remaining nodes.

  • When you need to apply a policy to many nodes but you only want to create a single NNCP for all target nodes, the Kubernetes NMState Operator applies the policy to each node in sequence. You can set the speed and coverage of policy application for target nodes with the maxUnavailable parameter in the cluster configuration. By setting a lower percentage value for the parameter, you can reduce the risk of a cluster-wide outage if the outage impacts the small percentage of nodes that are receiving the policy application.

  • Consider specifying all related network configurations in a single policy.

  • When a node restarts, the Kubernetes NMState Operator cannot control the order that it applies policies to nodes. The Kubernetes NMState Operator might apply interdependent policies in a sequence that results in a degraded network object.

Example: Linux bridge interface node network configuration policy

Create a Linux bridge interface on nodes in the cluster by applying a NodeNetworkConfigurationPolicy manifest to the cluster.

The following YAML file is an example of a manifest for a Linux bridge interface. It includes samples values that you must replace with your own information.

apiVersion: nmstate.io/v1
kind: NodeNetworkConfigurationPolicy
  name: br1-eth1-policy (1)
  nodeSelector: (2)
    kubernetes.io/hostname: <node01> (3)
      - name: br1 (4)
        description: Linux bridge with eth1 as a port (5)
        type: linux-bridge (6)
        state: up (7)
          dhcp: true (8)
          enabled: true (9)
              enabled: false (10)
            - name: eth1 (11)
1 Name of the policy.
2 Optional: If you do not include the nodeSelector parameter, the policy applies to all nodes in the cluster.
3 This example uses a hostname node selector.
4 Name of the interface.
5 Optional: Human-readable description of the interface.
6 The type of interface. This example creates a bridge.
7 The requested state for the interface after creation.
8 Optional: If you do not use dhcp, you can either set a static IP or leave the interface without an IP address.
9 Enables ipv4 in this example.
10 Disables stp in this example.
11 The node NIC to which the bridge attaches.

Example: VLAN interface node network configuration policy

Create a VLAN interface on nodes in the cluster by applying a NodeNetworkConfigurationPolicy manifest to the cluster.

Define all related configurations for the VLAN interface of a node in a single NodeNetworkConfigurationPolicy manifest. For example, define the VLAN interface for a node and the related routes for the VLAN interface in the same NodeNetworkConfigurationPolicy manifest.

When a node restarts, the Kubernetes NMState Operator cannot control the order in which policies are applied. Therefore, if you use separate policies for related network configurations, the Kubernetes NMState Operator might apply these policies in a sequence that results in a degraded network object.

The following YAML file is an example of a manifest for a VLAN interface. It includes samples values that you must replace with your own information.

apiVersion: nmstate.io/v1
kind: NodeNetworkConfigurationPolicy
  name: vlan-eth1-policy (1)
  nodeSelector: (2)
    kubernetes.io/hostname: <node01> (3)
    - name: eth1.102 (4)
      description: VLAN using eth1 (5)
      type: vlan (6)
      state: up (7)
        base-iface: eth1 (8)
        id: 102 (9)
1 Name of the policy.
2 Optional: If you do not include the nodeSelector parameter, the policy applies to all nodes in the cluster.
3 This example uses a hostname node selector.
4 Name of the interface. When deploying on bare metal, only the <interface_name>.<vlan_number> VLAN format is supported.
5 Optional: Human-readable description of the interface.
6 The type of interface. This example creates a VLAN.
7 The requested state for the interface after creation.
8 The node NIC to which the VLAN is attached.
9 The VLAN tag.

Example: Bond interface node network configuration policy

Create a bond interface on nodes in the cluster by applying a NodeNetworkConfigurationPolicy manifest to the cluster.

OpenShift Container Platform only supports the following bond modes:

  • mode=1 active-backup

  • mode=2 balance-xor

  • mode=4 802.3ad

The following YAML file is an example of a manifest for a bond interface. It includes samples values that you must replace with your own information.

apiVersion: nmstate.io/v1
kind: NodeNetworkConfigurationPolicy
  name: bond0-eth1-eth2-policy (1)
  nodeSelector: (2)
    kubernetes.io/hostname: <node01> (3)
    - name: bond0 (4)
      description: Bond with ports eth1 and eth2 (5)
      type: bond (6)
      state: up (7)
        dhcp: true (8)
        enabled: true (9)
        mode: active-backup (10)
          miimon: '140' (11)
        port: (12)
        - eth1
        - eth2
      mtu: 1450 (13)
1 Name of the policy.
2 Optional: If you do not include the nodeSelector parameter, the policy applies to all nodes in the cluster.
3 This example uses a hostname node selector.
4 Name of the interface.
5 Optional: Human-readable description of the interface.
6 The type of interface. This example creates a bond.
7 The requested state for the interface after creation.
8 Optional: If you do not use dhcp, you can either set a static IP or leave the interface without an IP address.
9 Enables ipv4 in this example.
10 The driver mode for the bond. This example uses an active backup mode.
11 Optional: This example uses miimon to inspect the bond link every 140ms.
12 The subordinate node NICs in the bond.
13 Optional: The maximum transmission unit (MTU) for the bond. If not specified, this value is set to 1500 by default.

Example: Ethernet interface node network configuration policy

Configure an Ethernet interface on nodes in the cluster by applying a NodeNetworkConfigurationPolicy manifest to the cluster.

The following YAML file is an example of a manifest for an Ethernet interface. It includes sample values that you must replace with your own information.

apiVersion: nmstate.io/v1
kind: NodeNetworkConfigurationPolicy
  name: eth1-policy (1)
  nodeSelector: (2)
    kubernetes.io/hostname: <node01> (3)
    - name: eth1 (4)
      description: Configuring eth1 on node01 (5)
      type: ethernet (6)
      state: up (7)
        dhcp: true (8)
        enabled: true (9)
1 Name of the policy.
2 Optional: If you do not include the nodeSelector parameter, the policy applies to all nodes in the cluster.
3 This example uses a hostname node selector.
4 Name of the interface.
5 Optional: Human-readable description of the interface.
6 The type of interface. This example creates an Ethernet networking interface.
7 The requested state for the interface after creation.
8 Optional: If you do not use dhcp, you can either set a static IP or leave the interface without an IP address.
9 Enables ipv4 in this example.

Example: Multiple interfaces in the same node network configuration policy

You can create multiple interfaces in the same node network configuration policy. These interfaces can reference each other, allowing you to build and deploy a network configuration by using a single policy manifest.

The following example YAML file creates a bond that is named bond10 across two NICs and VLAN that is named bond10.103 that connects to the bond.

apiVersion: nmstate.io/v1
kind: NodeNetworkConfigurationPolicy
  name: bond-vlan (1)
  nodeSelector: (2)
    kubernetes.io/hostname: <node01> (3)
    - name: bond10 (4)
      description: Bonding eth2 and eth3 (5)
      type: bond (6)
      state: up (7)
        mode: balance-xor (8)
          miimon: '140' (9)
        port: (10)
        - eth2
        - eth3
    - name: bond10.103 (4)
      description: vlan using bond10 (5)
      type: vlan (6)
      state: up (7)
         base-iface: bond10 (11)
         id: 103 (12)
        dhcp: true (13)
        enabled: true (14)
1 Name of the policy.
2 Optional: If you do not include the nodeSelector parameter, the policy applies to all nodes in the cluster.
3 This example uses hostname node selector.
4 Name of the interface.
5 Optional: Human-readable description of the interface.
6 The type of interface.
7 The requested state for the interface after creation.
8 The driver mode for the bond.
9 Optional: This example uses miimon to inspect the bond link every 140ms.
10 The subordinate node NICs in the bond.
11 The node NIC to which the VLAN is attached.
12 The VLAN tag.
13 Optional: If you do not use dhcp, you can either set a static IP or leave the interface without an IP address.
14 Enables ipv4 in this example.

Capturing the static IP of a NIC attached to a bridge

Example: Linux bridge interface node network configuration policy to inherit static IP address from the NIC attached to the bridge

Create a Linux bridge interface on nodes in the cluster and transfer the static IP configuration of the NIC to the bridge by applying a single NodeNetworkConfigurationPolicy manifest to the cluster.

The following YAML file is an example of a manifest for a Linux bridge interface. It includes sample values that you must replace with your own information.

apiVersion: nmstate.io/v1
kind: NodeNetworkConfigurationPolicy
  name: br1-eth1-copy-ipv4-policy (1)
  nodeSelector: (2)
    node-role.kubernetes.io/worker: ""
    eth1-nic: interfaces.name=="eth1" (3)
    eth1-routes: routes.running.next-hop-interface=="eth1"
    br1-routes: capture.eth1-routes | routes.running.next-hop-interface := "br1"
      - name: br1
        description: Linux bridge with eth1 as a port
        type: linux-bridge (4)
        state: up
        ipv4: "{{ capture.eth1-nic.interfaces.0.ipv4 }}" (5)
              enabled: false
            - name: eth1 (6)
        config: "{{ capture.br1-routes.routes.running }}"
1 The name of the policy.
2 Optional: If you do not include the nodeSelector parameter, the policy applies to all nodes in the cluster. This example uses the node-role.kubernetes.io/worker: "" node selector to select all worker nodes in the cluster.
3 The reference to the node NIC to which the bridge attaches.
4 The type of interface. This example creates a bridge.
5 The IP address of the bridge interface. This value matches the IP address of the NIC which is referenced by the spec.capture.eth1-nic entry.
6 The node NIC to which the bridge attaches.

Examples: IP management

The following example configuration snippets demonstrate different methods of IP management.

These examples use the ethernet interface type to simplify the example while showing the related context in the policy configuration. These IP management examples can be used with the other interface types.


The following snippet statically configures an IP address on the Ethernet interface:

    - name: eth1
      description: static IP on eth1
      type: ethernet
      state: up
        dhcp: false
        - ip: (1)
          prefix-length: 24
        enabled: true
1 Replace this value with the static IP address for the interface.

No IP address

The following snippet ensures that the interface has no IP address:

    - name: eth1
      description: No IP on eth1
      type: ethernet
      state: up
        enabled: false

Dynamic host configuration

The following snippet configures an Ethernet interface that uses a dynamic IP address, gateway address, and DNS:

    - name: eth1
      description: DHCP on eth1
      type: ethernet
      state: up
        dhcp: true
        enabled: true

The following snippet configures an Ethernet interface that uses a dynamic IP address but does not use a dynamic gateway address or DNS:

    - name: eth1
      description: DHCP without gateway or DNS on eth1
      type: ethernet
      state: up
        dhcp: true
        auto-gateway: false
        auto-dns: false
        enabled: true


Setting the DNS configuration is analagous to modifying the /etc/resolv.conf file. The following snippet sets the DNS configuration on the host.

    interfaces: (1)
         auto-dns: false
        - example.com
        - example.org
1 You must configure an interface with auto-dns: false or you must use static IP configuration on an interface in order for Kubernetes NMState to store custom DNS settings.

You cannot use br-ex, an OVNKubernetes-managed Open vSwitch bridge, as the interface when configuring DNS resolvers.

Static routing

The following snippet configures a static route and a static IP on interface eth1.

    - name: eth1
      description: Static routing on eth1
      type: ethernet
      state: up
        dhcp: false
        - ip: (1)
          prefix-length: 24
        enabled: true
      - destination:
        metric: 150
        next-hop-address: (2)
        next-hop-interface: eth1
        table-id: 254
1 The static IP address for the Ethernet interface.
2 Next hop address for the node traffic. This must be in the same subnet as the IP address set for the Ethernet interface.