
Creating a performance profile

You can create a cluster performance profile by using the Performance Profile Creator (PPC) tool. The PPC is a function of the Node Tuning Operator.

The PPC combines information about your cluster with user-supplied configurations to generate a performance profile that is appropriate to your hardware, topology and use-case.

Performance profiles are applicable only to bare-metal environments where the cluster has direct access to the underlying hardware resources. You can configure performances profiles for both single-node OpenShift and multi-node clusters.

The following is a high-level workflow for creating and applying a performance profile in your cluster:

  • Create a machine config pool (MCP) for nodes that you want to target with performance configurations. In single-node OpenShift clusters, you must use the master MCP because there is only one node in the cluster.

  • Gather information about your cluster using the must-gather command.

  • Use the PPC tool to create a performance profile by using either of the following methods:

    • Run the PPC tool by using Podman.

    • Run the PPC tool by using a wrapper script.

  • Configure the performance profile for your use case and apply the performance profile to your cluster.

About the Performance Profile Creator

The Performance Profile Creator (PPC) is a command-line tool, delivered with the Node Tuning Operator, that can help you to create a performance profile for your cluster.

Initially, you can use the PPC tool to process the must-gather data to display key performance configurations for your cluster, including the following information:

  • NUMA cell partitioning with the allocated CPU IDs

  • Hyper-Threading node configuration

You can use this information to help you configure the performance profile.

Running the PPC

Specify performance configuration arguments to the PPC tool to generate a proposed performance profile that is appropriate for your hardware, topology, and use-case.

You can run the PPC by using one of the following methods:

  • Run the PPC by using Podman

  • Run the PPC by using the wrapper script

Using the wrapper script abstracts some of the more granular Podman tasks into an executable script. For example, the wrapper script handles tasks such as pulling and running the required container image, mounting directories into the container, and providing parameters directly to the container through Podman. Both methods achieve the same result.

Creating a machine config pool to target nodes for performance tuning

For multi-node clusters, you can define a machine config pool (MCP) to identify the target nodes that you want to configure with a performance profile.

In single-node OpenShift clusters, you must use the master MCP because there is only one node in the cluster. You do not need to create a separate MCP for single-node OpenShift clusters.

  • You have cluster-admin role access.

  • You installed the OpenShift CLI (oc).

  1. Label the target nodes for configuration by running the following command:

    $ oc label node <node_name> node-role.kubernetes.io/worker-cnf="" (1)
    1 Replace <node_name> with the name of your node. This example applies the worker-cnf label.
  2. Create a MachineConfigPool resource containing the target nodes:

    1. Create a YAML file that defines the MachineConfigPool resource:

      Example mcp-worker-cnf.yaml file
      apiVersion: machineconfiguration.openshift.io/v1
      kind: MachineConfigPool
        name: worker-cnf (1)
          machineconfiguration.openshift.io/role: worker-cnf (2)
            - {
                 key: machineconfiguration.openshift.io/role,
                 operator: In,
                 values: [worker, worker-cnf],
        paused: false
            node-role.kubernetes.io/worker-cnf: "" (3)
      1 Specify a name for the MachineConfigPool resource.
      2 Specify a unique label for the machine config pool.
      3 Specify the nodes with the target label that you defined.
    2. Apply the MachineConfigPool resource by running the following command:

      $ oc apply -f mcp-worker-cnf.yaml
      Example output
      machineconfigpool.machineconfiguration.openshift.io/worker-cnf created
  • Check the machine config pools in your cluster by running the following command:

    $ oc get mcp
    Example output
    master       rendered-master-58433c7c3c1b4ed5ffef95234d451490       True      False      False      3              3                   3                     0                      6h46m
    worker       rendered-worker-168f52b168f151e4f853259729b6azc4       True      False      False      2              2                   2                     0                      6h46m
    worker-cnf   rendered-worker-cnf-168f52b168f151e4f853259729b6azc4   True      False      False      1              1                   1                     0                      73s

Gathering data about your cluster for the PPC

The Performance Profile Creator (PPC) tool requires must-gather data. As a cluster administrator, run the must-gather command to capture information about your cluster.

  • Access to the cluster as a user with the cluster-admin role.

  • You installed the OpenShift CLI (oc).

  • You identified a target MCP that you want to configure with a performance profile.

  1. Navigate to the directory where you want to store the must-gather data.

  2. Collect cluster information by running the following command:

    $ oc adm must-gather

    The command creates a folder with the must-gather data in your local directory with a naming format similar to the following: must-gather.local.1971646453781853027.

  3. Optional: Create a compressed file from the must-gather directory:

    $ tar cvaf must-gather.tar.gz <must_gather_folder> (1)
    1 Replace with the name of the must-gather data folder.

    Compressed output is required if you are running the Performance Profile Creator wrapper script.

Additional resources

Running the Performance Profile Creator using Podman

As a cluster administrator, you can use Podman with the Performance Profile Creator (PPC) to create a performance profile.

For more information about the PPC arguments, see the section "Performance Profile Creator arguments".

The PPC uses the must-gather data from your cluster to create the performance profile. If you make any changes to your cluster, such as relabeling a node targeted for performance configuration, you must re-create the must-gather data before running PPC again.

  • Access to the cluster as a user with the cluster-admin role.

  • A cluster installed on bare-metal hardware.

  • You installed podman and the OpenShift CLI (oc).

  • Access to the Node Tuning Operator image.

  • You identified a machine config pool containing target nodes for configuration.

  • You have access to the must-gather data for your cluster.

  1. Check the machine config pool by running the following command:

    $ oc get mcp
    Example output
    master       rendered-master-58433c8c3c0b4ed5feef95434d455490       True      False      False      3              3                   3                     0                      8h
    worker       rendered-worker-668f56a164f151e4a853229729b6adc4       True      False      False      2              2                   2                     0                      8h
    worker-cnf   rendered-worker-cnf-668f56a164f151e4a853229729b6adc4   True      False      False      1              1                   1                     0                      79m
  2. Use Podman to authenticate to registry.redhat.io by running the following command:

    $ podman login registry.redhat.io
    Username: <user_name>
    Password: <password>
  3. Optional: Display help for the PPC tool by running the following command:

    $ podman run --rm --entrypoint performance-profile-creator registry.redhat.io/openshift4/ose-cluster-node-tuning-rhel9-operator:v4.17 -h
    Example output
    A tool that automates creation of Performance Profiles
      performance-profile-creator [flags]
          --disable-ht                        Disable Hyperthreading
      -h, --help                              help for performance-profile-creator
          --info string                       Show cluster information; requires --must-gather-dir-path, ignore the other arguments. [Valid values: log, json] (default "log")
          --mcp-name string                   MCP name corresponding to the target machines (required)
          --must-gather-dir-path string       Must gather directory path (default "must-gather")
          --offlined-cpu-count int            Number of offlined CPUs
          --per-pod-power-management          Enable Per Pod Power Management
          --power-consumption-mode string     The power consumption mode.  [Valid values: default, low-latency, ultra-low-latency] (default "default")
          --profile-name string               Name of the performance profile to be created (default "performance")
          --reserved-cpu-count int            Number of reserved CPUs (required)
          --rt-kernel                         Enable Real Time Kernel (required)
          --split-reserved-cpus-across-numa   Split the Reserved CPUs across NUMA nodes
          --topology-manager-policy string    Kubelet Topology Manager Policy of the performance profile to be created. [Valid values: single-numa-node, best-effort, restricted] (default "restricted")
          --user-level-networking             Run with User level Networking(DPDK) enabled
  4. To display information about the cluster, run the PPC tool with the log argument by running the following command:

    $ podman run --entrypoint performance-profile-creator -v <path_to_must_gather>:/must-gather:z registry.redhat.io/openshift4/ose-cluster-node-tuning-rhel9-operator:v4.17 --info log --must-gather-dir-path /must-gather
    • --entrypoint performance-profile-creator defines the performance profile creator as a new entry point to podman.

    • -v <path_to_must_gather> specifies the path to either of the following components:

      • The directory containing the must-gather data.

      • An existing directory containing the must-gather decompressed .tar file.

    • --info log specifies a value for the output format.

      Example output
      level=info msg="Cluster info:"
      level=info msg="MCP 'master' nodes:"
      level=info msg=---
      level=info msg="MCP 'worker' nodes:"
      level=info msg="Node: host.example.com (NUMA cells: 1, HT: true)"
      level=info msg="NUMA cell 0 : [0 1 2 3]"
      level=info msg="CPU(s): 4"
      level=info msg="Node: host1.example.com (NUMA cells: 1, HT: true)"
      level=info msg="NUMA cell 0 : [0 1 2 3]"
      level=info msg="CPU(s): 4"
      level=info msg=---
      level=info msg="MCP 'worker-cnf' nodes:"
      level=info msg="Node: host2.example.com (NUMA cells: 1, HT: true)"
      level=info msg="NUMA cell 0 : [0 1 2 3]"
      level=info msg="CPU(s): 4"
      level=info msg=---
  5. Create a performance profile by running the following command. The example uses sample PPC arguments and values:

    $ podman run --entrypoint performance-profile-creator -v <path_to_must_gather>:/must-gather:z registry.redhat.io/openshift4/ose-cluster-node-tuning-rhel9-operator:v4.17 --mcp-name=worker-cnf --reserved-cpu-count=1 --rt-kernel=true --split-reserved-cpus-across-numa=false --must-gather-dir-path /must-gather --power-consumption-mode=ultra-low-latency --offlined-cpu-count=1 > my-performance-profile.yaml
    • -v <path_to_must_gather> specifies the path to either of the following components:

      • The directory containing the must-gather data.

      • The directory containing the must-gather decompressed .tar file.

    • --mcp-name=worker-cnf specifies the worker-=cnf machine config pool.

    • --reserved-cpu-count=1 specifies one reserved CPU.

    • --rt-kernel=true enables the real-time kernel.

    • --split-reserved-cpus-across-numa=false disables reserved CPUs splitting across NUMA nodes.

    • --power-consumption-mode=ultra-low-latency specifies minimal latency at the cost of increased power consumption.

    • --offlined-cpu-count=1 specifies one offlined CPU.

      The mcp-name argument in this example is set to worker-cnf based on the output of the command oc get mcp. For single-node OpenShift use --mcp-name=master.

      Example output
      level=info msg="Nodes targeted by worker-cnf MCP are: [worker-2]"
      level=info msg="NUMA cell(s): 1"
      level=info msg="NUMA cell 0 : [0 1 2 3]"
      level=info msg="CPU(s): 4"
      level=info msg="1 reserved CPUs allocated: 0 "
      level=info msg="2 isolated CPUs allocated: 2-3"
      level=info msg="Additional Kernel Args based on configuration: []"
  6. Review the created YAML file by running the following command:

    $ cat my-performance-profile.yaml
    Example output
    apiVersion: performance.openshift.io/v2
    kind: PerformanceProfile
      name: performance
        isolated: 2-3
        offlined: "1"
        reserved: "0"
        machineconfiguration.openshift.io/role: worker-cnf
        node-role.kubernetes.io/worker-cnf: ""
        topologyPolicy: restricted
        enabled: true
        highPowerConsumption: true
        perPodPowerManagement: false
        realTime: true
  7. Apply the generated profile:

    $ oc apply -f my-performance-profile.yaml
    Example output
    performanceprofile.performance.openshift.io/performance created

Running the Performance Profile Creator wrapper script

The wrapper script simplifies the process of creating a performance profile with the Performance Profile Creator (PPC) tool. The script handles tasks such as pulling and running the required container image, mounting directories into the container, and providing parameters directly to the container through Podman.

For more information about the Performance Profile Creator arguments, see the section "Performance Profile Creator arguments".

The PPC uses the must-gather data from your cluster to create the performance profile. If you make any changes to your cluster, such as relabeling a node targeted for performance configuration, you must re-create the must-gather data before running PPC again.

  • Access to the cluster as a user with the cluster-admin role.

  • A cluster installed on bare-metal hardware.

  • You installed podman and the OpenShift CLI (oc).

  • Access to the Node Tuning Operator image.

  • You identified a machine config pool containing target nodes for configuration.

  • Access to the must-gather tarball.

  1. Create a file on your local machine named, for example, run-perf-profile-creator.sh:

    $ vi run-perf-profile-creator.sh
  2. Paste the following code into the file:

    readonly CURRENT_SCRIPT=$(basename "$0")
    readonly CMD="${CONTAINER_RUNTIME} run --entrypoint performance-profile-creator"
    readonly IMG_EXISTS_CMD="${CONTAINER_RUNTIME} image exists"
    readonly IMG_PULL_CMD="${CONTAINER_RUNTIME} image pull"
    readonly MUST_GATHER_VOL="/must-gather"
    usage() {
      print "Wrapper usage:"
      print "  ${CURRENT_SCRIPT} [-h] [-p image][-t path] -- [performance-profile-creator flags]"
      print ""
      print "Options:"
      print "   -h                 help for ${CURRENT_SCRIPT}"
      print "   -p                 Node Tuning Operator image"
      print "   -t                 path to a must-gather tarball"
      ${IMG_EXISTS_CMD} "${NTO_IMG}" && ${CMD} "${NTO_IMG}" -h
    function cleanup {
      [ -d "${DATA_DIR}" ] && rm -rf "${DATA_DIR}"
    trap cleanup EXIT
    exit_error() {
      print "error: $*"
      exit 1
    print() {
      echo  "$*" >&2
    check_requirements() {
      ${IMG_EXISTS_CMD} "${NTO_IMG}" || ${IMG_PULL_CMD} "${NTO_IMG}" || \
          exit_error "Node Tuning Operator image not found"
      [ -n "${MG_TARBALL}" ] || exit_error "Must-gather tarball file path is mandatory"
      [ -f "${MG_TARBALL}" ] || exit_error "Must-gather tarball file not found"
      DATA_DIR=$(mktemp -d -t "${CURRENT_SCRIPT}XXXX") || exit_error "Cannot create the data directory"
      tar -zxf "${MG_TARBALL}" --directory "${DATA_DIR}" || exit_error "Cannot decompress the must-gather tarball"
      chmod a+rx "${DATA_DIR}"
      return 0
    main() {
      while getopts ':hp:t:' OPT; do
        case "${OPT}" in
            exit 0
            exit_error "invalid argument: ${OPTARG}"
      shift $((OPTIND - 1))
      check_requirements || exit 1
      ${CMD} -v "${DATA_DIR}:${MUST_GATHER_VOL}:z" "${NTO_IMG}" "$@" --must-gather-dir-path "${MUST_GATHER_VOL}"
      echo "" 1>&2
    main "$@"
  3. Add execute permissions for everyone on this script:

    $ chmod a+x run-perf-profile-creator.sh
  4. Use Podman to authenticate to registry.redhat.io by running the following command:

    $ podman login registry.redhat.io
    Username: <user_name>
    Password: <password>
  5. Optional: Display help for the PPC tool by running the following command:

    $ ./run-perf-profile-creator.sh -h
    Example output
    Wrapper usage:
      run-perf-profile-creator.sh [-h] [-p image][-t path] -- [performance-profile-creator flags]
       -h                 help for run-perf-profile-creator.sh
       -p                 Node Tuning Operator image
       -t                 path to a must-gather tarball
    A tool that automates creation of Performance Profiles
      performance-profile-creator [flags]
          --disable-ht                        Disable Hyperthreading
      -h, --help                              help for performance-profile-creator
          --info string                       Show cluster information; requires --must-gather-dir-path, ignore the other arguments. [Valid values: log, json] (default "log")
          --mcp-name string                   MCP name corresponding to the target machines (required)
          --must-gather-dir-path string       Must gather directory path (default "must-gather")
          --offlined-cpu-count int            Number of offlined CPUs
          --per-pod-power-management          Enable Per Pod Power Management
          --power-consumption-mode string     The power consumption mode.  [Valid values: default, low-latency, ultra-low-latency] (default "default")
          --profile-name string               Name of the performance profile to be created (default "performance")
          --reserved-cpu-count int            Number of reserved CPUs (required)
          --rt-kernel                         Enable Real Time Kernel (required)
          --split-reserved-cpus-across-numa   Split the Reserved CPUs across NUMA nodes
          --topology-manager-policy string    Kubelet Topology Manager Policy of the performance profile to be created. [Valid values: single-numa-node, best-effort, restricted] (default "restricted")
          --user-level-networking             Run with User level Networking(DPDK) enabled
          --enable-hardware-tuning            Enable setting maximum CPU frequencies

    You can optionally set a path for the Node Tuning Operator image using the -p option. If you do not set a path, the wrapper script uses the default image: registry.redhat.io/openshift4/ose-cluster-node-tuning-rhel9-operator:vBranch Build.

  6. To display information about the cluster, run the PPC tool with the log argument by running the following command:

    $ ./run-perf-profile-creator.sh -t /<path_to_must_gather_dir>/must-gather.tar.gz -- --info=log
    • -t /<path_to_must_gather_dir>/must-gather.tar.gz specifies the path to directory containing the must-gather tarball. This is a required argument for the wrapper script.

      Example output
      level=info msg="Cluster info:"
      level=info msg="MCP 'master' nodes:"
      level=info msg=---
      level=info msg="MCP 'worker' nodes:"
      level=info msg="Node: host.example.com (NUMA cells: 1, HT: true)"
      level=info msg="NUMA cell 0 : [0 1 2 3]"
      level=info msg="CPU(s): 4"
      level=info msg="Node: host1.example.com (NUMA cells: 1, HT: true)"
      level=info msg="NUMA cell 0 : [0 1 2 3]"
      level=info msg="CPU(s): 4"
      level=info msg=---
      level=info msg="MCP 'worker-cnf' nodes:"
      level=info msg="Node: host2.example.com (NUMA cells: 1, HT: true)"
      level=info msg="NUMA cell 0 : [0 1 2 3]"
      level=info msg="CPU(s): 4"
      level=info msg=---
  7. Create a performance profile by running the following command.

    $ ./run-perf-profile-creator.sh -t /path-to-must-gather/must-gather.tar.gz -- --mcp-name=worker-cnf --reserved-cpu-count=1 --rt-kernel=true --split-reserved-cpus-across-numa=false --power-consumption-mode=ultra-low-latency --offlined-cpu-count=1 > my-performance-profile.yaml

    This example uses sample PPC arguments and values.

    • --mcp-name=worker-cnf specifies the worker-=cnf machine config pool.

    • --reserved-cpu-count=1 specifies one reserved CPU.

    • --rt-kernel=true enables the real-time kernel.

    • --split-reserved-cpus-across-numa=false disables reserved CPUs splitting across NUMA nodes.

    • --power-consumption-mode=ultra-low-latency specifies minimal latency at the cost of increased power consumption.

    • --offlined-cpu-count=1 specifies one offlined CPUs.

      The mcp-name argument in this example is set to worker-cnf based on the output of the command oc get mcp. For single-node OpenShift use --mcp-name=master.

  8. Review the created YAML file by running the following command:

    $ cat my-performance-profile.yaml
    Example output
    apiVersion: performance.openshift.io/v2
    kind: PerformanceProfile
      name: performance
        isolated: 2-3
        offlined: "1"
        reserved: "0"
        machineconfiguration.openshift.io/role: worker-cnf
        node-role.kubernetes.io/worker-cnf: ""
        topologyPolicy: restricted
        enabled: true
        highPowerConsumption: true
        perPodPowerManagement: false
        realTime: true
  9. Apply the generated profile:

    $ oc apply -f my-performance-profile.yaml
    Example output
    performanceprofile.performance.openshift.io/performance created

Performance Profile Creator arguments

Table 1. Required Performance Profile Creator arguments
Argument Description


Name for MCP; for example, worker-cnf corresponding to the target machines.


The path of the must gather directory.

This argument is only required if you run the PPC tool by using Podman. If you use the PPC with the wrapper script, do not use this argument. Instead, specify the directory path to the must-gather tarball by using the -t option for the wrapper script.


Number of reserved CPUs. Use a natural number greater than zero.


Enables real-time kernel.

Possible values: true or false.

Table 2. Optional Performance Profile Creator arguments
Argument Description


Disable Hyper-Threading.

Possible values: true or false.

Default: false.

If this argument is set to true you should not disable Hyper-Threading in the BIOS. Disabling Hyper-Threading is accomplished with a kernel command line argument.


Enable the setting of maximum CPU frequencies.

To enable this feature, set the maximum frequency for applications running on isolated and reserved CPUs for both of the following fields:

  • spec.hardwareTuning.isolatedCpuFreq

  • spec.hardwareTuning.reservedCpuFreq

This is an advanced feature. If you configure hardware tuning, the generated PerformanceProfile includes warnings and guidance on how to set frequency settings.


This captures cluster information. This argument also requires the must-gather-dir-path argument. If any other arguments are set they are ignored.

Possible values:

  • log

  • JSON

Default: log.


Number of offlined CPUs.

Use a natural number greater than zero. If not enough logical processors are offlined, then error messages are logged. The messages are:

Error: failed to compute the reserved and isolated CPUs: please ensure that reserved-cpu-count plus offlined-cpu-count should be in the range [0,1]
Error: failed to compute the reserved and isolated CPUs: please specify the offlined CPU count in the range [0,1]


The power consumption mode.

Possible values:

  • default: Performance achieved through CPU partitioning only.

  • low-latency: Enhanced measures to improve latency.

  • ultra-low-latency: Priority given to optimal latency, at the expense of power management.

Default: default.


Enable per pod power management. You cannot use this argument if you configured ultra-low-latency as the power consumption mode.

Possible values: true or false.

Default: false.


Name of the performance profile to create.

Default: performance.


Split the reserved CPUs across NUMA nodes.

Possible values: true or false.

Default: false.


Kubelet Topology Manager policy of the performance profile to be created.

Possible values:

  • single-numa-node

  • best-effort

  • restricted

Default: restricted.


Run with user level networking (DPDK) enabled.

Possible values: true or false.

Default: false.

Reference performance profiles

Use the following reference performance profiles as the basis to develop your own custom profiles.

Performance profile template for clusters that use OVS-DPDK on OpenStack

To maximize machine performance in a cluster that uses Open vSwitch with the Data Plane Development Kit (OVS-DPDK) on OpenStack, you can use a performance profile.

You can use the following performance profile template to create a profile for your deployment.

Performance profile template for clusters that use OVS-DPDK
apiVersion: performance.openshift.io/v2
kind: PerformanceProfile
  name: cnf-performanceprofile
    - nmi_watchdog=0
    - audit=0
    - mce=off
    - processor.max_cstate=1
    - idle=poll
    - intel_idle.max_cstate=0
    - default_hugepagesz=1GB
    - hugepagesz=1G
    - intel_iommu=on
    isolated: <CPU_ISOLATED>
    reserved: <CPU_RESERVED>
    defaultHugepagesSize: 1G
      - count: <HUGEPAGES_COUNT>
        node: 0
        size: 1G
    node-role.kubernetes.io/worker: ''
    enabled: false
    globallyDisableIrqLoadBalancing: true

Insert values that are appropriate for your configuration for the CPU_ISOLATED, CPU_RESERVED, and HUGEPAGES_COUNT keys.

Telco RAN DU reference design performance profile

The following performance profile configures node-level performance settings for OKD clusters on commodity hardware to host telco RAN DU workloads.

Telco RAN DU reference design performance profile
apiVersion: performance.openshift.io/v2
kind: PerformanceProfile
  # if you change this name make sure the 'include' line in TunedPerformancePatch.yaml
  # matches this name: include=openshift-node-performance-${PerformanceProfile.metadata.name}
  # Also in file 'validatorCRs/informDuValidator.yaml': 
  # name: 50-performance-${PerformanceProfile.metadata.name}
  name: openshift-node-performance-profile
    ran.openshift.io/reference-configuration: "ran-du.redhat.com"
    - "rcupdate.rcu_normal_after_boot=0"
    - "efi=runtime"
    - "vfio_pci.enable_sriov=1"
    - "vfio_pci.disable_idle_d3=1"
    - "module_blacklist=irdma"
    isolated: $isolated
    reserved: $reserved
    defaultHugepagesSize: $defaultHugepagesSize
      - size: $size
        count: $count
        node: $node
    pools.operator.machineconfiguration.openshift.io/$mcp: ""
    node-role.kubernetes.io/$mcp: ''
    topologyPolicy: "restricted"
  # To use the standard (non-realtime) kernel, set enabled to false
    enabled: true
    # WorkloadHints defines the set of upper level flags for different type of workloads.
    # See https://github.com/openshift/cluster-node-tuning-operator/blob/master/docs/performanceprofile/performance_profile.md#workloadhints
    # for detailed descriptions of each item.
    # The configuration below is set for a low latency, performance mode.
    realTime: true
    highPowerConsumption: false
    perPodPowerManagement: false

Telco core reference design performance profile

The following performance profile configures node-level performance settings for OKD clusters on commodity hardware to host telco core workloads.

Telco core reference design performance profile
apiVersion: performance.openshift.io/v2
kind: PerformanceProfile
  # if you change this name make sure the 'include' line in TunedPerformancePatch.yaml
  # matches this name: include=openshift-node-performance-${PerformanceProfile.metadata.name}
  # Also in file 'validatorCRs/informDuValidator.yaml': 
  # name: 50-performance-${PerformanceProfile.metadata.name}
  name: openshift-node-performance-profile
    ran.openshift.io/reference-configuration: "ran-du.redhat.com"
    - "rcupdate.rcu_normal_after_boot=0"
    - "efi=runtime"
    - "vfio_pci.enable_sriov=1"
    - "vfio_pci.disable_idle_d3=1"
    - "module_blacklist=irdma"
    isolated: $isolated
    reserved: $reserved
    defaultHugepagesSize: $defaultHugepagesSize
      - size: $size
        count: $count
        node: $node
    pools.operator.machineconfiguration.openshift.io/$mcp: ""
    node-role.kubernetes.io/$mcp: ''
    topologyPolicy: "restricted"
  # To use the standard (non-realtime) kernel, set enabled to false
    enabled: true
    # WorkloadHints defines the set of upper level flags for different type of workloads.
    # See https://github.com/openshift/cluster-node-tuning-operator/blob/master/docs/performanceprofile/performance_profile.md#workloadhints
    # for detailed descriptions of each item.
    # The configuration below is set for a low latency, performance mode.
    realTime: true
    highPowerConsumption: false
    perPodPowerManagement: false

Supported performance profile API versions

The Node Tuning Operator supports v2, v1, and v1alpha1 for the performance profile apiVersion field. The v1 and v1alpha1 APIs are identical. The v2 API includes an optional boolean field globallyDisableIrqLoadBalancing with a default value of false.

Upgrading the performance profile to use device interrupt processing

When you upgrade the Node Tuning Operator performance profile custom resource definition (CRD) from v1 or v1alpha1 to v2, globallyDisableIrqLoadBalancing is set to true on existing profiles.

globallyDisableIrqLoadBalancing toggles whether IRQ load balancing will be disabled for the Isolated CPU set. When the option is set to true it disables IRQ load balancing for the Isolated CPU set. Setting the option to false allows the IRQs to be balanced across all CPUs.

Upgrading Node Tuning Operator API from v1alpha1 to v1

When upgrading Node Tuning Operator API version from v1alpha1 to v1, the v1alpha1 performance profiles are converted on-the-fly using a "None" Conversion strategy and served to the Node Tuning Operator with API version v1.

Upgrading Node Tuning Operator API from v1alpha1 or v1 to v2

When upgrading from an older Node Tuning Operator API version, the existing v1 and v1alpha1 performance profiles are converted using a conversion webhook that injects the globallyDisableIrqLoadBalancing field with a value of true.

Configuring node power consumption and realtime processing with workload hints

  • Create a PerformanceProfile appropriate for the environment’s hardware and topology by using the Performance Profile Creator (PPC) tool. The following table describes the possible values set for the power-consumption-mode flag associated with the PPC tool and the workload hint that is applied.

Table 3. Impact of combinations of power consumption and real-time settings on latency
Performance Profile creator setting Hint Environment Description


highPowerConsumption: false
realTime: false

High throughput cluster without latency requirements

Performance achieved through CPU partitioning only.


highPowerConsumption: false
realTime: true

Regional data-centers

Both energy savings and low-latency are desirable: compromise between power management, latency and throughput.


highPowerConsumption: true
realTime: true

Far edge clusters, latency critical workloads

Optimized for absolute minimal latency and maximum determinism at the cost of increased power consumption.

Per-pod power management

realTime: true
highPowerConsumption: false
perPodPowerManagement: true

Critical and non-critical workloads

Allows for power management per pod.


The following configuration is commonly used in a telco RAN DU deployment.

    apiVersion: performance.openshift.io/v2
    kind: PerformanceProfile
      name: workload-hints
        realTime: true
        highPowerConsumption: false
        perPodPowerManagement: false (1)
1 Disables some debugging and monitoring features that can affect system latency.

When the realTime workload hint flag is set to true in a performance profile, add the cpu-quota.crio.io: disable annotation to every guaranteed pod with pinned CPUs. This annotation is necessary to prevent the degradation of the process performance within the pod. If the realTime workload hint is not explicitly set, it defaults to true.

For more information how combinations of power consumption and real-time settings impact latency, see Understanding workload hints.

Configuring power saving for nodes that run colocated high and low priority workloads

You can enable power savings for a node that has low priority workloads that are colocated with high priority workloads without impacting the latency or throughput of the high priority workloads. Power saving is possible without modifications to the workloads themselves.

The feature is supported on Intel Ice Lake and later generations of Intel CPUs. The capabilities of the processor might impact the latency and throughput of the high priority workloads.

  • You enabled C-states and operating system controlled P-states in the BIOS

  1. Generate a PerformanceProfile with the per-pod-power-management argument set to true:

    $ podman run --entrypoint performance-profile-creator -v \
    /must-gather:/must-gather:z registry.redhat.io/openshift4/ose-cluster-node-tuning-operator:v4.17 \
    --mcp-name=worker-cnf --reserved-cpu-count=20 --rt-kernel=true \
    --split-reserved-cpus-across-numa=false --topology-manager-policy=single-numa-node \
    --must-gather-dir-path /must-gather --power-consumption-mode=low-latency \ (1)
    --per-pod-power-management=true > my-performance-profile.yaml
    1 The power-consumption-mode argument must be default or low-latency when the per-pod-power-management argument is set to true.
    Example PerformanceProfile with perPodPowerManagement
    apiVersion: performance.openshift.io/v2
    kind: PerformanceProfile
         name: performance
            realTime: true
            highPowerConsumption: false
            perPodPowerManagement: true
  2. Set the default cpufreq governor as an additional kernel argument in the PerformanceProfile custom resource (CR):

    apiVersion: performance.openshift.io/v2
    kind: PerformanceProfile
         name: performance
        - cpufreq.default_governor=schedutil (1)
    1 Using the schedutil governor is recommended, however, you can use other governors such as the ondemand or powersave governors.
  3. Set the maximum CPU frequency in the TunedPerformancePatch CR:

      - data: |
          /sys/devices/system/cpu/intel_pstate/max_perf_pct = <x> (1)
    1 The max_perf_pct controls the maximum frequency that the cpufreq driver is allowed to set as a percentage of the maximum supported cpu frequency. This value applies to all CPUs. You can check the maximum supported frequency in /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/cpuinfo_max_freq. As a starting point, you can use a percentage that caps all CPUs at the All Cores Turbo frequency. The All Cores Turbo frequency is the frequency that all cores will run at when the cores are all fully occupied.

Restricting CPUs for infra and application containers

Generic housekeeping and workload tasks use CPUs in a way that may impact latency-sensitive processes. By default, the container runtime uses all online CPUs to run all containers together, which can result in context switches and spikes in latency. Partitioning the CPUs prevents noisy processes from interfering with latency-sensitive processes by separating them from each other. The following table describes how processes run on a CPU after you have tuned the node using the Node Tuning Operator:

Table 4. Process' CPU assignments
Process type Details

Burstable and BestEffort pods

Runs on any CPU except where low latency workload is running

Infrastructure pods

Runs on any CPU except where low latency workload is running


Redirects to reserved CPUs (optional in OKD 4.7 and later)

Kernel processes

Pins to reserved CPUs

Latency-sensitive workload pods

Pins to a specific set of exclusive CPUs from the isolated pool

OS processes/systemd services

Pins to reserved CPUs

The allocatable capacity of cores on a node for pods of all QoS process types, Burstable, BestEffort, or Guaranteed, is equal to the capacity of the isolated pool. The capacity of the reserved pool is removed from the node’s total core capacity for use by the cluster and operating system housekeeping duties.

Example 1

A node features a capacity of 100 cores. Using a performance profile, the cluster administrator allocates 50 cores to the isolated pool and 50 cores to the reserved pool. The cluster administrator assigns 25 cores to QoS Guaranteed pods and 25 cores for BestEffort or Burstable pods. This matches the capacity of the isolated pool.

Example 2

A node features a capacity of 100 cores. Using a performance profile, the cluster administrator allocates 50 cores to the isolated pool and 50 cores to the reserved pool. The cluster administrator assigns 50 cores to QoS Guaranteed pods and one core for BestEffort or Burstable pods. This exceeds the capacity of the isolated pool by one core. Pod scheduling fails because of insufficient CPU capacity.

The exact partitioning pattern to use depends on many factors like hardware, workload characteristics and the expected system load. Some sample use cases are as follows:

  • If the latency-sensitive workload uses specific hardware, such as a network interface controller (NIC), ensure that the CPUs in the isolated pool are as close as possible to this hardware. At a minimum, you should place the workload in the same Non-Uniform Memory Access (NUMA) node.

  • The reserved pool is used for handling all interrupts. When depending on system networking, allocate a sufficiently-sized reserve pool to handle all the incoming packet interrupts. In 4.17 and later versions, workloads can optionally be labeled as sensitive.

The decision regarding which specific CPUs should be used for reserved and isolated partitions requires detailed analysis and measurements. Factors like NUMA affinity of devices and memory play a role. The selection also depends on the workload architecture and the specific use case.

The reserved and isolated CPU pools must not overlap and together must span all available cores in the worker node.

To ensure that housekeeping tasks and workloads do not interfere with each other, specify two groups of CPUs in the spec section of the performance profile.

  • isolated - Specifies the CPUs for the application container workloads. These CPUs have the lowest latency. Processes in this group have no interruptions and can, for example, reach much higher DPDK zero packet loss bandwidth.

  • reserved - Specifies the CPUs for the cluster and operating system housekeeping duties. Threads in the reserved group are often busy. Do not run latency-sensitive applications in the reserved group. Latency-sensitive applications run in the isolated group.

  1. Create a performance profile appropriate for the environment’s hardware and topology.

  2. Add the reserved and isolated parameters with the CPUs you want reserved and isolated for the infra and application containers:

    apiVersion: performance.openshift.io/v2
    kind: PerformanceProfile
      name: infra-cpus
        reserved: "0-4,9" (1)
        isolated: "5-8" (2)
      nodeSelector: (3)
        node-role.kubernetes.io/worker: ""
    1 Specify which CPUs are for infra containers to perform cluster and operating system housekeeping duties.
    2 Specify which CPUs are for application containers to run workloads.
    3 Optional: Specify a node selector to apply the performance profile to specific nodes.

Configuring Hyper-Threading for a cluster

To configure Hyper-Threading for an OKD cluster, set the CPU threads in the performance profile to the same cores that are configured for the reserved or isolated CPU pools.

If you configure a performance profile, and subsequently change the Hyper-Threading configuration for the host, ensure that you update the CPU isolated and reserved fields in the PerformanceProfile YAML to match the new configuration.

Disabling a previously enabled host Hyper-Threading configuration can cause the CPU core IDs listed in the PerformanceProfile YAML to be incorrect. This incorrect configuration can cause the node to become unavailable because the listed CPUs can no longer be found.

  • Access to the cluster as a user with the cluster-admin role.

  • Install the OpenShift CLI (oc).

  1. Ascertain which threads are running on what CPUs for the host you want to configure.

    You can view which threads are running on the host CPUs by logging in to the cluster and running the following command:

    $ lscpu --all --extended
    Example output
    0   0    0      0    0:0:0:0       yes    4800.0000 400.0000
    1   0    0      1    1:1:1:0       yes    4800.0000 400.0000
    2   0    0      2    2:2:2:0       yes    4800.0000 400.0000
    3   0    0      3    3:3:3:0       yes    4800.0000 400.0000
    4   0    0      0    0:0:0:0       yes    4800.0000 400.0000
    5   0    0      1    1:1:1:0       yes    4800.0000 400.0000
    6   0    0      2    2:2:2:0       yes    4800.0000 400.0000
    7   0    0      3    3:3:3:0       yes    4800.0000 400.0000

    In this example, there are eight logical CPU cores running on four physical CPU cores. CPU0 and CPU4 are running on physical Core0, CPU1 and CPU5 are running on physical Core 1, and so on.

    Alternatively, to view the threads that are set for a particular physical CPU core (cpu0 in the example below), open a shell prompt and run the following:

    $ cat /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/topology/thread_siblings_list
    Example output
  2. Apply the isolated and reserved CPUs in the PerformanceProfile YAML. For example, you can set logical cores CPU0 and CPU4 as isolated, and logical cores CPU1 to CPU3 and CPU5 to CPU7 as reserved. When you configure reserved and isolated CPUs, the infra containers in pods use the reserved CPUs and the application containers use the isolated CPUs.

        isolated: 0,4
        reserved: 1-3,5-7

    The reserved and isolated CPU pools must not overlap and together must span all available cores in the worker node.

Hyper-Threading is enabled by default on most Intel processors. If you enable Hyper-Threading, all threads processed by a particular core must be isolated or processed on the same core.

When Hyper-Threading is enabled, all guaranteed pods must use multiples of the simultaneous multi-threading (SMT) level to avoid a "noisy neighbor" situation that can cause the pod to fail. See Static policy options for more information.

Disabling Hyper-Threading for low latency applications

When configuring clusters for low latency processing, consider whether you want to disable Hyper-Threading before you deploy the cluster. To disable Hyper-Threading, perform the following steps:

  1. Create a performance profile that is appropriate for your hardware and topology.

  2. Set nosmt as an additional kernel argument. The following example performance profile illustrates this setting:

    apiVersion: performance.openshift.io/v2
    kind: PerformanceProfile
      name: example-performanceprofile
        - nmi_watchdog=0
        - audit=0
        - mce=off
        - processor.max_cstate=1
        - idle=poll
        - intel_idle.max_cstate=0
        - nosmt
        isolated: 2-3
        reserved: 0-1
        defaultHugepagesSize: 1G
          - count: 2
            node: 0
            size: 1G
        node-role.kubernetes.io/performance: ''
        enabled: true

    When you configure reserved and isolated CPUs, the infra containers in pods use the reserved CPUs and the application containers use the isolated CPUs.

Managing device interrupt processing for guaranteed pod isolated CPUs

The Node Tuning Operator can manage host CPUs by dividing them into reserved CPUs for cluster and operating system housekeeping duties, including pod infra containers, and isolated CPUs for application containers to run the workloads. This allows you to set CPUs for low latency workloads as isolated.

Device interrupts are load balanced between all isolated and reserved CPUs to avoid CPUs being overloaded, with the exception of CPUs where there is a guaranteed pod running. Guaranteed pod CPUs are prevented from processing device interrupts when the relevant annotations are set for the pod.

In the performance profile, globallyDisableIrqLoadBalancing is used to manage whether device interrupts are processed or not. For certain workloads, the reserved CPUs are not always sufficient for dealing with device interrupts, and for this reason, device interrupts are not globally disabled on the isolated CPUs. By default, Node Tuning Operator does not disable device interrupts on isolated CPUs.

Finding the effective IRQ affinity setting for a node

Some IRQ controllers lack support for IRQ affinity setting and will always expose all online CPUs as the IRQ mask. These IRQ controllers effectively run on CPU 0.

The following are examples of drivers and hardware that Red Hat are aware lack support for IRQ affinity setting. The list is, by no means, exhaustive:

  • Some RAID controller drivers, such as megaraid_sas

  • Many non-volatile memory express (NVMe) drivers

  • Some LAN on motherboard (LOM) network controllers

  • The driver uses managed_irqs

The reason they do not support IRQ affinity setting might be associated with factors such as the type of processor, the IRQ controller, or the circuitry connections in the motherboard.

If the effective affinity of any IRQ is set to an isolated CPU, it might be a sign of some hardware or driver not supporting IRQ affinity setting. To find the effective affinity, log in to the host and run the following command:

$ find /proc/irq -name effective_affinity -printf "%p: " -exec cat {} \;
Example output
/proc/irq/0/effective_affinity: 1
/proc/irq/1/effective_affinity: 8
/proc/irq/2/effective_affinity: 0
/proc/irq/3/effective_affinity: 1
/proc/irq/4/effective_affinity: 2
/proc/irq/5/effective_affinity: 1
/proc/irq/6/effective_affinity: 1
/proc/irq/7/effective_affinity: 1
/proc/irq/8/effective_affinity: 1
/proc/irq/9/effective_affinity: 2
/proc/irq/10/effective_affinity: 1
/proc/irq/11/effective_affinity: 1
/proc/irq/12/effective_affinity: 4
/proc/irq/13/effective_affinity: 1
/proc/irq/14/effective_affinity: 1
/proc/irq/15/effective_affinity: 1
/proc/irq/24/effective_affinity: 2
/proc/irq/25/effective_affinity: 4
/proc/irq/26/effective_affinity: 2
/proc/irq/27/effective_affinity: 1
/proc/irq/28/effective_affinity: 8
/proc/irq/29/effective_affinity: 4
/proc/irq/30/effective_affinity: 4
/proc/irq/31/effective_affinity: 8
/proc/irq/32/effective_affinity: 8
/proc/irq/33/effective_affinity: 1
/proc/irq/34/effective_affinity: 2

Some drivers use managed_irqs, whose affinity is managed internally by the kernel and userspace cannot change the affinity. In some cases, these IRQs might be assigned to isolated CPUs. For more information about managed_irqs, see Affinity of managed interrupts cannot be changed even if they target isolated CPU.

Configuring node interrupt affinity

Configure a cluster node for IRQ dynamic load balancing to control which cores can receive device interrupt requests (IRQ).

  • For core isolation, all server hardware components must support IRQ affinity. To check if the hardware components of your server support IRQ affinity, view the server’s hardware specifications or contact your hardware provider.

  1. Log in to the OKD cluster as a user with cluster-admin privileges.

  2. Set the performance profile apiVersion to use performance.openshift.io/v2.

  3. Remove the globallyDisableIrqLoadBalancing field or set it to false.

  4. Set the appropriate isolated and reserved CPUs. The following snippet illustrates a profile that reserves 2 CPUs. IRQ load-balancing is enabled for pods running on the isolated CPU set:

    apiVersion: performance.openshift.io/v2
    kind: PerformanceProfile
      name: dynamic-irq-profile
        isolated: 2-5
        reserved: 0-1

    When you configure reserved and isolated CPUs, operating system processes, kernel processes, and systemd services run on reserved CPUs. Infrastructure pods run on any CPU except where the low latency workload is running. Low latency workload pods run on exclusive CPUs from the isolated pool. For more information, see "Restricting CPUs for infra and application containers".

Configuring huge pages

Nodes must pre-allocate huge pages used in an OKD cluster. Use the Node Tuning Operator to allocate huge pages on a specific node.

OKD provides a method for creating and allocating huge pages. Node Tuning Operator provides an easier method for doing this using the performance profile.

For example, in the hugepages pages section of the performance profile, you can specify multiple blocks of size, count, and, optionally, node:

   defaultHugepagesSize: "1G"
   - size:  "1G"
     count:  4
     node:  0 (1)
1 node is the NUMA node in which the huge pages are allocated. If you omit node, the pages are evenly spread across all NUMA nodes.

Wait for the relevant machine config pool status that indicates the update is finished.

These are the only configuration steps you need to do to allocate huge pages.

  • To verify the configuration, see the /proc/meminfo file on the node:

    $ oc debug node/ip-10-0-141-105.ec2.internal
    # grep -i huge /proc/meminfo
    Example output
    AnonHugePages:    ###### ##
    ShmemHugePages:        0 kB
    HugePages_Total:       2
    HugePages_Free:        2
    HugePages_Rsvd:        0
    HugePages_Surp:        0
    Hugepagesize:       #### ##
    Hugetlb:            #### ##
  • Use oc describe to report the new size:

    $ oc describe node worker-0.ocp4poc.example.com | grep -i huge
    Example output
     hugepages-###:  ###
     hugepages-###:  ###

Allocating multiple huge page sizes

You can request huge pages with different sizes under the same container. This allows you to define more complicated pods consisting of containers with different huge page size needs.

For example, you can define sizes 1G and 2M and the Node Tuning Operator will configure both sizes on the node, as shown here:

    defaultHugepagesSize: 1G
    - count: 1024
      node: 0
      size: 2M
    - count: 4
      node: 1
      size: 1G

Reducing NIC queues using the Node Tuning Operator

The Node Tuning Operator facilitates reducing NIC queues for enhanced performance. Adjustments are made using the performance profile, allowing customization of queues for different network devices.

Adjusting the NIC queues with the performance profile

The performance profile lets you adjust the queue count for each network device.

Supported network devices:

  • Non-virtual network devices

  • Network devices that support multiple queues (channels)

Unsupported network devices:

  • Pure software network interfaces

  • Block devices

  • Intel DPDK virtual functions

  • Access to the cluster as a user with the cluster-admin role.

  • Install the OpenShift CLI (oc).

  1. Log in to the OKD cluster running the Node Tuning Operator as a user with cluster-admin privileges.

  2. Create and apply a performance profile appropriate for your hardware and topology. For guidance on creating a profile, see the "Creating a performance profile" section.

  3. Edit this created performance profile:

    $ oc edit -f <your_profile_name>.yaml
  4. Populate the spec field with the net object. The object list can contain two fields:

    • userLevelNetworking is a required field specified as a boolean flag. If userLevelNetworking is true, the queue count is set to the reserved CPU count for all supported devices. The default is false.

    • devices is an optional field specifying a list of devices that will have the queues set to the reserved CPU count. If the device list is empty, the configuration applies to all network devices. The configuration is as follows:

      • interfaceName: This field specifies the interface name, and it supports shell-style wildcards, which can be positive or negative.

        • Example wildcard syntax is as follows: <string> .*

        • Negative rules are prefixed with an exclamation mark. To apply the net queue changes to all devices other than the excluded list, use !<device>, for example, !eno1.

      • vendorID: The network device vendor ID represented as a 16-bit hexadecimal number with a 0x prefix.

      • deviceID: The network device ID (model) represented as a 16-bit hexadecimal number with a 0x prefix.

        When a deviceID is specified, the vendorID must also be defined. A device that matches all of the device identifiers specified in a device entry interfaceName, vendorID, or a pair of vendorID plus deviceID qualifies as a network device. This network device then has its net queues count set to the reserved CPU count.

        When two or more devices are specified, the net queues count is set to any net device that matches one of them.

  5. Set the queue count to the reserved CPU count for all devices by using this example performance profile:

    apiVersion: performance.openshift.io/v2
    kind: PerformanceProfile
      name: manual
        isolated: 3-51,55-103
        reserved: 0-2,52-54
        userLevelNetworking: true
        node-role.kubernetes.io/worker-cnf: ""
  6. Set the queue count to the reserved CPU count for all devices matching any of the defined device identifiers by using this example performance profile:

    apiVersion: performance.openshift.io/v2
    kind: PerformanceProfile
      name: manual
        isolated: 3-51,55-103
        reserved: 0-2,52-54
        userLevelNetworking: true
        - interfaceName: "eth0"
        - interfaceName: "eth1"
        - vendorID: "0x1af4"
          deviceID: "0x1000"
        node-role.kubernetes.io/worker-cnf: ""
  7. Set the queue count to the reserved CPU count for all devices starting with the interface name eth by using this example performance profile:

    apiVersion: performance.openshift.io/v2
    kind: PerformanceProfile
      name: manual
        isolated: 3-51,55-103
        reserved: 0-2,52-54
        userLevelNetworking: true
        - interfaceName: "eth*"
        node-role.kubernetes.io/worker-cnf: ""
  8. Set the queue count to the reserved CPU count for all devices with an interface named anything other than eno1 by using this example performance profile:

    apiVersion: performance.openshift.io/v2
    kind: PerformanceProfile
      name: manual
        isolated: 3-51,55-103
        reserved: 0-2,52-54
        userLevelNetworking: true
        - interfaceName: "!eno1"
        node-role.kubernetes.io/worker-cnf: ""
  9. Set the queue count to the reserved CPU count for all devices that have an interface name eth0, vendorID of 0x1af4, and deviceID of 0x1000 by using this example performance profile:

    apiVersion: performance.openshift.io/v2
    kind: PerformanceProfile
      name: manual
        isolated: 3-51,55-103
        reserved: 0-2,52-54
        userLevelNetworking: true
        - interfaceName: "eth0"
        - vendorID: "0x1af4"
          deviceID: "0x1000"
        node-role.kubernetes.io/worker-cnf: ""
  10. Apply the updated performance profile:

    $ oc apply -f <your_profile_name>.yaml
Additional resources

Verifying the queue status

In this section, a number of examples illustrate different performance profiles and how to verify the changes are applied.

Example 1

In this example, the net queue count is set to the reserved CPU count (2) for all supported devices.

The relevant section from the performance profile is:

apiVersion: performance.openshift.io/v2
  name: performance
  kind: PerformanceProfile
      reserved: 0-1  #total = 2
      isolated: 2-8
      userLevelNetworking: true
# ...
  • Display the status of the queues associated with a device using the following command:

    Run this command on the node where the performance profile was applied.

    $ ethtool -l <device>
  • Verify the queue status before the profile is applied:

    $ ethtool -l ens4
    Example output
    Channel parameters for ens4:
    Pre-set maximums:
    RX:         0
    TX:         0
    Other:      0
    Combined:   4
    Current hardware settings:
    RX:         0
    TX:         0
    Other:      0
    Combined:   4
  • Verify the queue status after the profile is applied:

    $ ethtool -l ens4
    Example output
    Channel parameters for ens4:
    Pre-set maximums:
    RX:         0
    TX:         0
    Other:      0
    Combined:   4
    Current hardware settings:
    RX:         0
    TX:         0
    Other:      0
    Combined:   2 (1)
1 The combined channel shows that the total count of reserved CPUs for all supported devices is 2. This matches what is configured in the performance profile.
Example 2

In this example, the net queue count is set to the reserved CPU count (2) for all supported network devices with a specific vendorID.

The relevant section from the performance profile is:

apiVersion: performance.openshift.io/v2
  name: performance
  kind: PerformanceProfile
      reserved: 0-1  #total = 2
      isolated: 2-8
      userLevelNetworking: true
      - vendorID = 0x1af4
# ...
  • Display the status of the queues associated with a device using the following command:

    Run this command on the node where the performance profile was applied.

    $ ethtool -l <device>
  • Verify the queue status after the profile is applied:

    $ ethtool -l ens4
    Example output
    Channel parameters for ens4:
    Pre-set maximums:
    RX:         0
    TX:         0
    Other:      0
    Combined:   4
    Current hardware settings:
    RX:         0
    TX:         0
    Other:      0
    Combined:   2 (1)
1 The total count of reserved CPUs for all supported devices with vendorID=0x1af4 is 2. For example, if there is another network device ens2 with vendorID=0x1af4 it will also have total net queues of 2. This matches what is configured in the performance profile.
Example 3

In this example, the net queue count is set to the reserved CPU count (2) for all supported network devices that match any of the defined device identifiers.

The command udevadm info provides a detailed report on a device. In this example the devices are:

# udevadm info -p /sys/class/net/ens4
E: ID_MODEL_ID=0x1000
E: ID_VENDOR_ID=0x1af4
# udevadm info -p /sys/class/net/eth0
E: ID_MODEL_ID=0x1002
E: ID_VENDOR_ID=0x1001
  • Set the net queues to 2 for a device with interfaceName equal to eth0 and any devices that have a vendorID=0x1af4 with the following performance profile:

    apiVersion: performance.openshift.io/v2
      name: performance
      kind: PerformanceProfile
            reserved: 0-1  #total = 2
            isolated: 2-8
            userLevelNetworking: true
            - interfaceName = eth0
            - vendorID = 0x1af4
  • Verify the queue status after the profile is applied:

    $ ethtool -l ens4
    Example output
    Channel parameters for ens4:
    Pre-set maximums:
    RX:         0
    TX:         0
    Other:      0
    Combined:   4
    Current hardware settings:
    RX:         0
    TX:         0
    Other:      0
    Combined:   2 (1)
    1 The total count of reserved CPUs for all supported devices with vendorID=0x1af4 is set to 2. For example, if there is another network device ens2 with vendorID=0x1af4, it will also have the total net queues set to 2. Similarly, a device with interfaceName equal to eth0 will have total net queues set to 2.

Logging associated with adjusting NIC queues

Log messages detailing the assigned devices are recorded in the respective Tuned daemon logs. The following messages might be recorded to the /var/log/tuned/tuned.log file:

  • An INFO message is recorded detailing the successfully assigned devices:

    INFO tuned.plugins.base: instance net_test (net): assigning devices ens1, ens2, ens3
  • A WARNING message is recorded if none of the devices can be assigned:

    WARNING  tuned.plugins.base: instance net_test: no matching devices available