
To manage the lifecycle of your application on Kubernetes using Ansible, you can use the Kubernetes Collection for Ansible. This collection of Ansible modules allows a developer to either leverage their existing Kubernetes resource files written in YAML or express the lifecycle management in native Ansible.

The Red Hat-supported version of the Operator SDK CLI tool, including the related scaffolding and testing tools for Operator projects, is deprecated and is planned to be removed in a future release of OKD. Red Hat will provide bug fixes and support for this feature during the current release lifecycle, but this feature will no longer receive enhancements and will be removed from future OKD releases.

The Red Hat-supported version of the Operator SDK is not recommended for creating new Operator projects. Operator authors with existing Operator projects can use the version of the Operator SDK CLI tool released with OKD 4.17 to maintain their projects and create Operator releases targeting newer versions of OKD.

The following related base images for Operator projects are not deprecated. The runtime functionality and configuration APIs for these base images are still supported for bug fixes and for addressing CVEs.

  • The base image for Ansible-based Operator projects

  • The base image for Helm-based Operator projects

For the most recent list of major functionality that has been deprecated or removed within OKD, refer to the Deprecated and removed features section of the OKD release notes.

For information about the unsupported, community-maintained, version of the Operator SDK, see Operator SDK (Operator Framework).

One of the biggest benefits of using Ansible in conjunction with existing Kubernetes resource files is the ability to use Jinja templating so that you can customize resources with the simplicity of a few variables in Ansible.

This section goes into detail on usage of the Kubernetes Collection. To get started, install the collection on your local workstation and test it using a playbook before moving on to using it within an Operator.

Installing the Kubernetes Collection for Ansible

You can install the Kubernetes Collection for Ansible on your local workstation.

  1. Install Ansible 2.15+:

    $ sudo dnf install ansible
  2. Install the Python Kubernetes client package:

    $ pip install kubernetes
  3. Install the Kubernetes Collection using one of the following methods:

    • You can install the collection directly from Ansible Galaxy:

      $ ansible-galaxy collection install community.kubernetes
    • If you have already initialized your Operator, you might have a requirements.yml file at the top level of your project. This file specifies Ansible dependencies that must be installed for your Operator to function. By default, this file installs the community.kubernetes collection as well as the operator_sdk.util collection, which provides modules and plugins for Operator-specific functions.

      To install the dependent modules from the requirements.yml file:

      $ ansible-galaxy collection install -r requirements.yml

Testing the Kubernetes Collection locally

Operator developers can run the Ansible code from their local machine as opposed to running and rebuilding the Operator each time.

  • Initialize an Ansible-based Operator project and create an API that has a generated Ansible role by using the Operator SDK

  • Install the Kubernetes Collection for Ansible

  1. In your Ansible-based Operator project directory, modify the roles/<kind>/tasks/main.yml file with the Ansible logic that you want. The roles/<kind>/ directory is created when you use the --generate-role flag while creating an API. The <kind> replaceable matches the kind that you specified for the API.

    The following example creates and deletes a config map based on the value of a variable named state:

    - name: set ConfigMap example-config to {{ state }}
        api_version: v1
        kind: ConfigMap
        name: example-config
        namespace: <operator_namespace> (1)
        state: "{{ state }}"
      ignore_errors: true (2)
    1 Specify the namespace where you want the config map created.
    2 Setting ignore_errors: true ensures that deleting a nonexistent config map does not fail.
  2. Modify the roles/<kind>/defaults/main.yml file to set state to present by default:

    state: present
  3. Create an Ansible playbook by creating a playbook.yml file in the top-level of your project directory, and include your <kind> role:

    - hosts: localhost
        - <kind>
  4. Run the playbook:

    $ ansible-playbook playbook.yml
    Example output
    [WARNING]: provided hosts list is empty, only localhost is available. Note that the implicit localhost does not match 'all'
    PLAY [localhost] ********************************************************************************
    TASK [Gathering Facts] ********************************************************************************
    ok: [localhost]
    TASK [memcached : set ConfigMap example-config to present] ********************************************************************************
    changed: [localhost]
    PLAY RECAP ********************************************************************************
    localhost                  : ok=2    changed=1    unreachable=0    failed=0    skipped=0    rescued=0    ignored=0
  5. Verify that the config map was created:

    $ oc get configmaps
    Example output
    NAME               DATA   AGE
    example-config     0      2m1s
  6. Rerun the playbook setting state to absent:

    $ ansible-playbook playbook.yml --extra-vars state=absent
    Example output
    [WARNING]: provided hosts list is empty, only localhost is available. Note that the implicit localhost does not match 'all'
    PLAY [localhost] ********************************************************************************
    TASK [Gathering Facts] ********************************************************************************
    ok: [localhost]
    TASK [memcached : set ConfigMap example-config to absent] ********************************************************************************
    changed: [localhost]
    PLAY RECAP ********************************************************************************
    localhost                  : ok=2    changed=1    unreachable=0    failed=0    skipped=0    rescued=0    ignored=0
  7. Verify that the config map was deleted:

    $ oc get configmaps

Next steps