Create a clean-up Python virtual environment:
Create a temporary directory for your environment. For example:
$ python3 -m venv /tmp/venv
The virtual environment located in /tmp/venv
directory is used in all clean up examples.
Enter the virtual environment. For example:
$ source /tmp/venv/bin/activate
Upgrade the pip
command in the virtual environment by running the following command:
(venv) $ pip install --upgrade pip
Install the required Python packages by running the following command:
(venv) $ pip install openstacksdk==0.54.0 python-openstackclient==5.5.0 python-octaviaclient==2.3.0 'python-neutronclient<9.0.0'
In your terminal, set variables to cluster and Kuryr identifiers by running the following commands:
Set the cluster ID:
(venv) $ CLUSTERID=$(oc get infrastructure.config.openshift.io cluster -o=jsonpath='{.status.infrastructureName}')
Set the cluster tag:
(venv) $ CLUSTERTAG="openshiftClusterID=${CLUSTERID}"
Set the router ID:
(venv) $ ROUTERID=$(oc get kuryrnetwork -A --no-headers -o custom-columns=":status.routerId"|uniq)
Create a Bash function that removes finalizers from specified resources by running the following command:
(venv) $ function REMFIN {
local resource=$1
local finalizer=$2
for res in $(oc get "${resource}" -A --template='{{range $i,$p := .items}}{{ $p.metadata.name }}|{{ $p.metadata.namespace }}{{"\n"}}{{end}}'); do
yaml=$(oc get -n "${ns}" "${resource}" "${name}" -o yaml)
if echo "${yaml}" | grep -q "${finalizer}"; then
echo "${yaml}" | grep -v "${finalizer}" | oc replace -n "${ns}" "${resource}" "${name}" -f -
The function takes two parameters: the first parameter is name of the resource, and the second parameter is the finalizer to remove.
The named resource is removed from the cluster and its definition is replaced with copied data, excluding the specified finalizer.
To remove Kuryr finalizers from services, enter the following command:
(venv) $ REMFIN services kuryr.openstack.org/service-finalizer
To remove the Kuryr service-subnet-gateway-ip
service, enter the following command:
(venv) $ if oc get -n openshift-kuryr service service-subnet-gateway-ip &>/dev/null; then
oc -n openshift-kuryr delete service service-subnet-gateway-ip
To remove all tagged OpenStack load balancers from Octavia, enter the following command:
(venv) $ for lb in $(openstack loadbalancer list --tags "${CLUSTERTAG}" -f value -c id); do
openstack loadbalancer delete --cascade "${lb}"
To remove Kuryr finalizers from all KuryrLoadBalancer
CRs, enter the following command:
(venv) $ REMFIN kuryrloadbalancers.openstack.org kuryr.openstack.org/kuryrloadbalancer-finalizers
To remove the openshift-kuryr
namespace, enter the following command:
(venv) $ oc delete namespace openshift-kuryr
To remove the Kuryr service subnet from the router, enter the following command:
(venv) $ openstack router remove subnet "${ROUTERID}" "${CLUSTERID}-kuryr-service-subnet"
To remove the Kuryr service network, enter the following command:
(venv) $ openstack network delete "${CLUSTERID}-kuryr-service-network"
To remove Kuryr finalizers from all pods, enter the following command:
(venv) $ REMFIN pods kuryr.openstack.org/pod-finalizer
To remove Kuryr finalizers from all KuryrPort
CRs, enter the following command:
(venv) $ REMFIN kuryrports.openstack.org kuryr.openstack.org/kuryrport-finalizer
This command deletes the KuryrPort
To remove Kuryr finalizers from network policies, enter the following command:
(venv) $ REMFIN networkpolicy kuryr.openstack.org/networkpolicy-finalizer
To remove Kuryr finalizers from remaining network policies, enter the following command:
(venv) $ REMFIN kuryrnetworkpolicies.openstack.org kuryr.openstack.org/networkpolicy-finalizer
To remove subports that Kuryr created from trunks, enter the following command:
(venv) $ mapfile trunks < <(python -c "import openstack; n = openstack.connect().network; print('\n'.join([x.id for x in n.trunks(any_tags='$CLUSTERTAG')]))") && \
i=0 && \
for trunk in "${trunks[@]}"; do
trunk=$(echo "$trunk"|tr -d '\n')
echo "Processing trunk $trunk, ${i}/${#trunks[@]}."
for subport in $(python -c "import openstack; n = openstack.connect().network; print(' '.join([x['port_id'] for x in n.get_trunk('$trunk').sub_ports if '$CLUSTERTAG' in n.get_port(x['port_id']).tags]))"); do
for sub in "${subports[@]}" ; do
args+=("--subport $sub")
if [ ${#args[@]} -gt 0 ]; then
openstack network trunk unset ${args[*]} "${trunk}"
To retrieve all networks and subnets from KuryrNetwork
CRs and remove ports, router interfaces and the network itself, enter the following command:
(venv) $ mapfile -t kuryrnetworks < <(oc get kuryrnetwork -A --template='{{range $i,$p := .items}}{{ $p.status.netId }}|{{ $p.status.subnetId }}{{"\n"}}{{end}}') && \
i=0 && \
for kn in "${kuryrnetworks[@]}"; do
echo "Processing network $netID, ${i}/${#kuryrnetworks[@]}"
# Remove all ports from the network.
for port in $(python -c "import openstack; n = openstack.connect().network; print(' '.join([x.id for x in n.ports(network_id='$netID') if x.device_owner != 'network:router_interface']))"); do
( openstack port delete "${port}" ) &
# Only allow 20 jobs in parallel.
if [[ $(jobs -r -p | wc -l) -ge 20 ]]; then
wait -n
# Remove the subnet from the router.
openstack router remove subnet "${ROUTERID}" "${subnetID}"
# Remove the network.
openstack network delete "${netID}"
To remove the Kuryr security group, enter the following command:
(venv) $ openstack security group delete "${CLUSTERID}-kuryr-pods-security-group"
To remove all tagged subnet pools, enter the following command:
(venv) $ for subnetpool in $(openstack subnet pool list --tags "${CLUSTERTAG}" -f value -c ID); do
openstack subnet pool delete "${subnetpool}"
To check that all of the networks based on KuryrNetwork
CRs were removed, enter the following command:
(venv) $ networks=$(oc get kuryrnetwork -A --no-headers -o custom-columns=":status.netId") && \
for existingNet in $(openstack network list --tags "${CLUSTERTAG}" -f value -c ID); do
if [[ $networks =~ $existingNet ]]; then
echo "Network still exists: $existingNet"
If the command returns any existing networks, intestigate and remove them before you continue.
To remove security groups that are related to network policy, enter the following command:
(venv) $ for sgid in $(openstack security group list -f value -c ID -c Description | grep 'Kuryr-Kubernetes Network Policy' | cut -f 1 -d ' '); do
openstack security group delete "${sgid}"
To remove finalizers from KuryrNetwork
CRs, enter the following command:
(venv) $ REMFIN kuryrnetworks.openstack.org kuryrnetwork.finalizers.kuryr.openstack.org
To remove the Kuryr router, enter the following command:
(venv) $ if python3 -c "import sys; import openstack; n = openstack.connect().network; r = n.get_router('$ROUTERID'); sys.exit(0) if r.description != 'Created By OpenShift Installer' else sys.exit(1)"; then
openstack router delete "${ROUTERID}"