
About Red Hat OpenShift support for Windows Containers

Windows Container Support for OKD enables running Windows compute nodes in an OKD cluster. Running Windows workloads is possible by using the Red Hat Windows Machine Config Operator (WMCO) to install and manage Windows nodes. With Windows nodes available, you can run Windows container workloads in OKD.

These release notes track the development of the WMCO, which provides all Windows container workload capabilities in OKD.

Release notes for Red Hat Windows Machine Config Operator 9.0.2

This release of the WMCO provides new features and bug fixes for running Windows compute nodes in an OKD cluster. The components of the WMCO 9.0.2 were released in RHBA-2024:2830.

Bug fixes

  • Previously, the kubelet was unable to authenticate with private ECR registries. Beacuse of this error, the kubelet was not able to pull images from these registries. With this fix, the kubelet is able to pull images from these registries as expected. (OCPBUGS-32136)