
Applied Policy custom resources (CRs) configure the managed clusters that you provision. You can customize how Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management (RHACM) uses PolicyGenerator CRs to generate the applied Policy CRs.

Using PolicyGenerator resources with GitOps ZTP is a Technology Preview feature only. Technology Preview features are not supported with Red Hat production service level agreements (SLAs) and might not be functionally complete. Red Hat does not recommend using them in production. These features provide early access to upcoming product features, enabling customers to test functionality and provide feedback during the development process.

For more information about the support scope of Red Hat Technology Preview features, see Technology Preview Features Support Scope.

For more information about PolicyGenerator resources, see the RHACM Policy Generator documentation.

Comparing RHACM PolicyGenerator and PolicyGenTemplate resource patching

PolicyGenerator custom resources (CRs) and PolicyGenTemplate CRs can be used in GitOps ZTP to generate RHACM policies for managed clusters.

There are advantages to using PolicyGenerator CRs over PolicyGenTemplate CRs when it comes to patching OKD resources with GitOps ZTP. Using the RHACM PolicyGenerator API provides a generic way of patching resources which is not possible with PolicyGenTemplate resources.

The PolicyGenerator API is a part of the Open Cluster Management standard, while the PolicyGenTemplate API is not. A comparison of PolicyGenerator and PolicyGenTemplate resource patching and placement strategies are described in the following table.

Using PolicyGenTemplate CRs to manage and deploy polices to managed clusters will be deprecated in an upcoming OKD release. Equivalent and improved functionality is available using Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management (RHACM) and PolicyGenerator CRs.

For more information about PolicyGenerator resources, see the RHACM Policy Generator documentation.

Table 1. Comparison of RHACM PolicyGenerator and PolicyGenTemplate patching
PolicyGenerator patching PolicyGenTemplate patching

Uses Kustomize strategic merges for merging resources. For more information see Declarative Management of Kubernetes Objects Using Kustomize.

Works by replacing variables with their values as defined by the patch. This is less flexible than Kustomize merge strategies.

Supports ManagedClusterSet and Binding resources.

Does not support ManagedClusterSet and Binding resources.

Relies only on patching, no embedded variable substitution is required.

Overwrites variable values defined in the patch.

Does not support merging lists in merge patches. Replacing a list in a merge patch is supported.

Merging and replacing lists is supported in a limited fashion - you can only merge one object in the list.

Does not currently support the OpenAPI specification for resource patching. This means that additional directives are required in the patch to merge content that does not follow a schema, for example, PtpConfig resources.

Works by replacing fields and values with values as defined by the patch.

Requires additional directives, for example, $patch: replace in the patch to merge content that does not follow a schema.

Substitutes fields and values defined in the source CR with values defined in the patch, for example $name.

Can patch the Name and Namespace fields defined in the reference source CR, but only if the CR file has a single object.

Can patch the Name and Namespace fields defined in the reference source CR.

About the PolicyGenerator CRD

The PolicyGenerator custom resource definition (CRD) tells the PolicyGen policy generator what custom resources (CRs) to include in the cluster configuration, how to combine the CRs into the generated policies, and what items in those CRs need to be updated with overlay content.

The following example shows a PolicyGenerator CR (acm-common-du-ranGen.yaml) extracted from the ztp-site-generate reference container. The acm-common-du-ranGen.yaml file defines two Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management (RHACM) policies. The polices manage a collection of configuration CRs, one for each unique value of policyName in the CR. acm-common-du-ranGen.yaml creates a single placement binding and a placement rule to bind the policies to clusters based on the labels listed in the policyDefaults.placement.labelSelector section.

Example PolicyGenerator CR - acm-common-ranGen.yaml
apiVersion: policy.open-cluster-management.io/v1
kind: PolicyGenerator
    name: common-latest
    name: common-latest-placement-binding (1)
    namespace: ztp-common
                - key: common
                  operator: In
                    - "true"
                - key: du-profile
                  operator: In
                    - latest
    remediationAction: inform
    severity: low
            - kube-*
            - '*'
        compliant: 10m
        noncompliant: 10s
    - name: common-latest-config-policy
        ran.openshift.io/ztp-deploy-wave: "1"
        - path: source-crs/ReduceMonitoringFootprint.yaml
        - path: source-crs/DefaultCatsrc.yaml (2)
            - metadata:
                name: redhat-operators-disconnected
                displayName: disconnected-redhat-operators
                image: registry.example.com:5000/disconnected-redhat-operators/disconnected-redhat-operator-index:v4.9
        - path: source-crs/DisconnectedICSP.yaml
            - spec:
                    - mirrors:
                        - registry.example.com:5000
                      source: registry.redhat.io
    - name: common-latest-subscriptions-policy
        ran.openshift.io/ztp-deploy-wave: "2"
      manifests: (3)
        - path: source-crs/SriovSubscriptionNS.yaml
        - path: source-crs/SriovSubscriptionOperGroup.yaml
        - path: source-crs/SriovSubscription.yaml
        - path: source-crs/SriovOperatorStatus.yaml
        - path: source-crs/PtpSubscriptionNS.yaml
        - path: source-crs/PtpSubscriptionOperGroup.yaml
        - path: source-crs/PtpSubscription.yaml
        - path: source-crs/PtpOperatorStatus.yaml
        - path: source-crs/ClusterLogNS.yaml
        - path: source-crs/ClusterLogOperGroup.yaml
        - path: source-crs/ClusterLogSubscription.yaml
        - path: source-crs/ClusterLogOperatorStatus.yaml
        - path: source-crs/StorageNS.yaml
        - path: source-crs/StorageOperGroup.yaml
        - path: source-crs/StorageSubscription.yaml
        - path: source-crs/StorageOperatorStatus.yaml
1 Applies the policies to all clusters with this label.
2 The DefaultCatsrc.yaml file contains the catalog source for the disconnected registry and related registry configuration details.
3 Files listed under policies.manifests create the Operator policies for installed clusters.

A PolicyGenerator CR can be constructed with any number of included CRs. Apply the following example CR in the hub cluster to generate a policy containing a single CR:

apiVersion: policy.open-cluster-management.io/v1
kind: PolicyGenerator
  name: group-du-sno
  name: group-du-sno-placement-binding
  namespace: ztp-group
        - key: group-du-sno
          operator: Exists
  remediationAction: inform
  severity: low
      - kube-*
      - '*'
    compliant: 10m
    noncompliant: 10s
  - name: group-du-sno-config-policy
      ran.openshift.io/ztp-deploy-wave: '10'
      - path: source-crs/PtpConfigSlave-MCP-master.yaml
          - metadata: null
            name: du-ptp-slave
            namespace: openshift-ptp
              ran.openshift.io/ztp-deploy-wave: '10'
                - name: slave
                  interface: $interface
                  ptp4lOpts: '-2 -s'
                  phc2sysOpts: '-a -r -n 24'
                  ptpSchedulingPolicy: SCHED_FIFO
                  ptpSchedulingPriority: 10
                    logReduce: 'true'
                  ptp4lConf: |
                    # Default Data Set
                    twoStepFlag 1
                    slaveOnly 1
                    priority1 128
                    priority2 128
                    domainNumber 24
                    #utc_offset 37
                    clockClass 255
                    clockAccuracy 0xFE
                    offsetScaledLogVariance 0xFFFF
                    free_running 0
                    freq_est_interval 1
                    dscp_event 0
                    dscp_general 0
                    dataset_comparison G.8275.x
                    G.8275.defaultDS.localPriority 128
                    # Port Data Set
                    logAnnounceInterval -3
                    logSyncInterval -4
                    logMinDelayReqInterval -4
                    logMinPdelayReqInterval -4
                    announceReceiptTimeout 3
                    syncReceiptTimeout 0
                    delayAsymmetry 0
                    fault_reset_interval -4
                    neighborPropDelayThresh 20000000
                    masterOnly 0
                    G.8275.portDS.localPriority 128
                    # Run time options
                    assume_two_step 0
                    logging_level 6
                    path_trace_enabled 0
                    follow_up_info 0
                    hybrid_e2e 0
                    inhibit_multicast_service 0
                    net_sync_monitor 0
                    tc_spanning_tree 0
                    tx_timestamp_timeout 50
                    unicast_listen 0
                    unicast_master_table 0
                    unicast_req_duration 3600
                    use_syslog 1
                    verbose 0
                    summary_interval 0
                    kernel_leap 1
                    check_fup_sync 0
                    clock_class_threshold 7
                    # Servo Options
                    pi_proportional_const 0.0
                    pi_integral_const 0.0
                    pi_proportional_scale 0.0
                    pi_proportional_exponent -0.3
                    pi_proportional_norm_max 0.7
                    pi_integral_scale 0.0
                    pi_integral_exponent 0.4
                    pi_integral_norm_max 0.3
                    step_threshold 2.0
                    first_step_threshold 0.00002
                    max_frequency 900000000
                    clock_servo pi
                    sanity_freq_limit 200000000
                    ntpshm_segment 0
                    # Transport options
                    transportSpecific 0x0
                    ptp_dst_mac 01:1B:19:00:00:00
                    p2p_dst_mac 01:80:C2:00:00:0E
                    udp_ttl 1
                    udp6_scope 0x0E
                    uds_address /var/run/ptp4l
                    # Default interface options
                    clock_type OC
                    network_transport L2
                    delay_mechanism E2E
                    time_stamping hardware
                    tsproc_mode filter
                    delay_filter moving_median
                    delay_filter_length 10
                    egressLatency 0
                    ingressLatency 0
                    boundary_clock_jbod 0
                    # Clock description
                    productDescription ;;
                    revisionData ;;
                    manufacturerIdentity 00:00:00
                    userDescription ;
                    timeSource 0xA0
                - profile: slave
                  priority: 4
                    - nodeLabel: node-role.kubernetes.io/master

Using the source file PtpConfigSlave.yaml as an example, the file defines a PtpConfig CR. The generated policy for the PtpConfigSlave example is named group-du-sno-config-policy. The PtpConfig CR defined in the generated group-du-sno-config-policy is named du-ptp-slave. The spec defined in PtpConfigSlave.yaml is placed under du-ptp-slave along with the other spec items defined under the source file.

The following example shows the group-du-sno-config-policy CR:

apiVersion: policy.open-cluster-management.io/v1
kind: PolicyGenerator
    name: du-upgrade
    name: du-upgrade-placement-binding
    namespace: ztp-group-du-sno
                - key: group-du-sno
                  operator: Exists
    remediationAction: inform
    severity: low
            - kube-*
            - '*'
        compliant: 10m
        noncompliant: 10s
    - name: du-upgrade-operator-catsrc-policy
        ran.openshift.io/ztp-deploy-wave: "1"
        - path: source-crs/DefaultCatsrc.yaml
            - metadata:
                name: redhat-operators
                displayName: Red Hat Operators Catalog
                image: registry.example.com:5000/olm/redhat-operators:v4.14
                        interval: 1h
                    lastObservedState: READY

Recommendations when customizing PolicyGenerator CRs

Consider the following best practices when customizing site configuration PolicyGenerator custom resources (CRs):

  • Use as few policies as are necessary. Using fewer policies requires less resources. Each additional policy creates increased CPU load for the hub cluster and the deployed managed cluster. CRs are combined into policies based on the policyName field in the PolicyGenerator CR. CRs in the same PolicyGenerator which have the same value for policyName are managed under a single policy.

  • In disconnected environments, use a single catalog source for all Operators by configuring the registry as a single index containing all Operators. Each additional CatalogSource CR on the managed clusters increases CPU usage.

  • MachineConfig CRs should be included as extraManifests in the SiteConfig CR so that they are applied during installation. This can reduce the overall time taken until the cluster is ready to deploy applications.

  • PolicyGenerator CRs should override the channel field to explicitly identify the desired version. This ensures that changes in the source CR during upgrades does not update the generated subscription.

Additional resources

When managing large numbers of spoke clusters on the hub cluster, minimize the number of policies to reduce resource consumption.

Grouping multiple configuration CRs into a single or limited number of policies is one way to reduce the overall number of policies on the hub cluster. When using the common, group, and site hierarchy of policies for managing site configuration, it is especially important to combine site-specific configuration into a single policy.

PolicyGenerator CRs for RAN deployments

Use PolicyGenerator custom resources (CRs) to customize the configuration applied to the cluster by using the GitOps Zero Touch Provisioning (ZTP) pipeline. The PolicyGenerator CR allows you to generate one or more policies to manage the set of configuration CRs on your fleet of clusters. The PolicyGenerator CR identifies the set of managed CRs, bundles them into policies, builds the policy wrapping around those CRs, and associates the policies with clusters by using label binding rules.

The reference configuration, obtained from the GitOps ZTP container, is designed to provide a set of critical features and node tuning settings that ensure the cluster can support the stringent performance and resource utilization constraints typical of RAN (Radio Access Network) Distributed Unit (DU) applications. Changes or omissions from the baseline configuration can affect feature availability, performance, and resource utilization. Use the reference PolicyGenerator CRs as the basis to create a hierarchy of configuration files tailored to your specific site requirements.

The baseline PolicyGenerator CRs that are defined for RAN DU cluster configuration can be extracted from the GitOps ZTP ztp-site-generate container. See "Preparing the GitOps ZTP site configuration repository" for further details.

The PolicyGenerator CRs can be found in the ./out/argocd/example/acmpolicygenerator/ folder. The reference architecture has common, group, and site-specific configuration CRs. Each PolicyGenerator CR refers to other CRs that can be found in the ./out/source-crs folder.

The PolicyGenerator CRs relevant to RAN cluster configuration are described below. Variants are provided for the group PolicyGenerator CRs to account for differences in single-node, three-node compact, and standard cluster configurations. Similarly, site-specific configuration variants are provided for single-node clusters and multi-node (compact or standard) clusters. Use the group and site-specific configuration variants that are relevant for your deployment.

Table 2. PolicyGenerator CRs for RAN deployments
PolicyGenerator CR Description


Contains a set of CRs that get applied to multi-node clusters. These CRs configure SR-IOV features typical for RAN installations.


Contains a set of CRs that get applied to single-node OpenShift clusters. These CRs configure SR-IOV features typical for RAN installations.


Contains a set of common RAN policy configuration that get applied to multi-node clusters.


Contains a set of common RAN CRs that get applied to all clusters. These CRs subscribe to a set of operators providing cluster features typical for RAN as well as baseline cluster tuning.


Contains the RAN policies for three-node clusters only.


Contains the RAN policies for single-node clusters only.


Contains the RAN policies for standard three control-plane clusters.


PolicyGenerator CR used to generate the various policies required for three-node clusters.


PolicyGenerator CR used to generate the various policies required for standard clusters.


PolicyGenerator CR used to generate the various policies required for single-node OpenShift clusters.

Customizing a managed cluster with PolicyGenerator CRs

Use the following procedure to customize the policies that get applied to the managed cluster that you provision using the GitOps Zero Touch Provisioning (ZTP) pipeline.

  • You have installed the OpenShift CLI (oc).

  • You have logged in to the hub cluster as a user with cluster-admin privileges.

  • You configured the hub cluster for generating the required installation and policy CRs.

  • You created a Git repository where you manage your custom site configuration data. The repository must be accessible from the hub cluster and be defined as a source repository for the Argo CD application.

  1. Create a PolicyGenerator CR for site-specific configuration CRs.

    1. Choose the appropriate example for your CR from the out/argocd/example/acmpolicygenerator/ folder, for example, acm-example-sno-site.yaml or acm-example-multinode-site.yaml.

    2. Change the policyDefaults.placement.labelSelector field in the example file to match the site-specific label included in the SiteConfig CR. In the example SiteConfig file, the site-specific label is sites: example-sno.

      Ensure that the labels defined in your PolicyGenerator policyDefaults.placement.labelSelector field correspond to the labels that are defined in the related managed clusters SiteConfig CR.

    3. Change the content in the example file to match the desired configuration.

  2. Optional: Create a PolicyGenerator CR for any common configuration CRs that apply to the entire fleet of clusters.

    1. Select the appropriate example for your CR from the out/argocd/example/acmpolicygenerator/ folder, for example, acm-common-ranGen.yaml.

    2. Change the content in the example file to match the required configuration.

  3. Optional: Create a PolicyGenerator CR for any group configuration CRs that apply to the certain groups of clusters in the fleet.

    Ensure that the content of the overlaid spec files matches your required end state. As a reference, the out/source-crs directory contains the full list of source-crs available to be included and overlaid by your PolicyGenerator templates.

    Depending on the specific requirements of your clusters, you might need more than a single group policy per cluster type, especially considering that the example group policies each have a single PerformancePolicy.yaml file that can only be shared across a set of clusters if those clusters consist of identical hardware configurations.

    1. Select the appropriate example for your CR from the out/argocd/example/acmpolicygenerator/ folder, for example, acm-group-du-sno-ranGen.yaml.

    2. Change the content in the example file to match the required configuration.

  4. Optional. Create a validator inform policy PolicyGenerator CR to signal when the GitOps ZTP installation and configuration of the deployed cluster is complete. For more information, see "Creating a validator inform policy".

  5. Define all the policy namespaces in a YAML file similar to the example out/argocd/example/acmpolicygenerator//ns.yaml file.

    Do not include the Namespace CR in the same file with the PolicyGenerator CR.

  6. Add the PolicyGenerator CRs and Namespace CR to the kustomization.yaml file in the generators section, similar to the example shown in out/argocd/example/acmpolicygenerator/kustomization.yaml.

  7. Commit the PolicyGenerator CRs, Namespace CR, and associated kustomization.yaml file in your Git repository and push the changes.

    The ArgoCD pipeline detects the changes and begins the managed cluster deployment. You can push the changes to the SiteConfig CR and the PolicyGenerator CR simultaneously.

Monitoring managed cluster policy deployment progress

The ArgoCD pipeline uses PolicyGenerator CRs in Git to generate the RHACM policies and then sync them to the hub cluster. You can monitor the progress of the managed cluster policy synchronization after the assisted service installs OKD on the managed cluster.

  • You have installed the OpenShift CLI (oc).

  • You have logged in to the hub cluster as a user with cluster-admin privileges.

  1. The Topology Aware Lifecycle Manager (TALM) applies the configuration policies that are bound to the cluster.

    After the cluster installation is complete and the cluster becomes Ready, a ClusterGroupUpgrade CR corresponding to this cluster, with a list of ordered policies defined by the ran.openshift.io/ztp-deploy-wave annotations, is automatically created by the TALM. The cluster’s policies are applied in the order listed in ClusterGroupUpgrade CR.

    You can monitor the high-level progress of configuration policy reconciliation by using the following commands:

    $ export CLUSTER=<clusterName>
    $ oc get clustergroupupgrades -n ztp-install $CLUSTER -o jsonpath='{.status.conditions[-1:]}' | jq
    Example output
      "lastTransitionTime": "2022-11-09T07:28:09Z",
      "message": "The ClusterGroupUpgrade CR has upgrade policies that are still non compliant",
      "reason": "InProgress",
      "status": "True",
      "type": "Progressing"
  2. You can monitor the detailed cluster policy compliance status by using the RHACM dashboard or the command line.

    1. To check policy compliance by using oc, run the following command:

      $ oc get policies -n $CLUSTER
      Example output
      NAME                                                     REMEDIATION ACTION   COMPLIANCE STATE   AGE
      ztp-common.common-config-policy                          inform               Compliant          3h42m
      ztp-common.common-subscriptions-policy                   inform               NonCompliant       3h42m
      ztp-group.group-du-sno-config-policy                     inform               NonCompliant       3h42m
      ztp-group.group-du-sno-validator-du-policy               inform               NonCompliant       3h42m
      ztp-install.example1-common-config-policy-pjz9s          enforce              Compliant          167m
      ztp-install.example1-common-subscriptions-policy-zzd9k   enforce              NonCompliant       164m
      ztp-site.example1-config-policy                          inform               NonCompliant       3h42m
      ztp-site.example1-perf-policy                            inform               NonCompliant       3h42m
    2. To check policy status from the RHACM web console, perform the following actions:

      1. Click GovernanceFind policies.

      2. Click on a cluster policy to check its status.

When all of the cluster policies become compliant, GitOps ZTP installation and configuration for the cluster is complete. The ztp-done label is added to the cluster.

In the reference configuration, the final policy that becomes compliant is the one defined in the *-du-validator-policy policy. This policy, when compliant on a cluster, ensures that all cluster configuration, Operator installation, and Operator configuration is complete.

Validating the generation of configuration policy CRs

Policy custom resources (CRs) are generated in the same namespace as the PolicyGenerator from which they are created. The same troubleshooting flow applies to all policy CRs generated from a PolicyGenerator regardless of whether they are ztp-common, ztp-group, or ztp-site based, as shown using the following commands:

$ export NS=<namespace>
$ oc get policy -n $NS

The expected set of policy-wrapped CRs should be displayed.

If the policies failed synchronization, use the following troubleshooting steps.

  1. To display detailed information about the policies, run the following command:

    $ oc describe -n openshift-gitops application policies
  2. Check for Status: Conditions: to show the error logs. For example, setting an invalid sourceFile entry to fileName: generates the error shown below:

        Last Transition Time:  2021-11-26T17:21:39Z
        Message:               rpc error: code = Unknown desc = `kustomize build /tmp/https___git.com/ran-sites/policies/ --enable-alpha-plugins` failed exit status 1: 2021/11/26 17:21:40 Error could not find test.yaml under source-crs/: no such file or directory Error: failure in plugin configured via /tmp/kust-plugin-config-52463179; exit status 1: exit status 1
        Type:  ComparisonError
  3. Check for Status: Sync:. If there are log errors at Status: Conditions:, the Status: Sync: shows Unknown or Error:

        Compared To:
            Namespace:  policies-sub
            Server:     https://kubernetes.default.svc
            Path:             policies
            Repo URL:         https://git.com/ran-sites/policies/.git
            Target Revision:  master
        Status:               Error
  4. When Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management (RHACM) recognizes that policies apply to a ManagedCluster object, the policy CR objects are applied to the cluster namespace. Check to see if the policies were copied to the cluster namespace:

    $ oc get policy -n $CLUSTER
    Example output
    NAME                                         REMEDIATION ACTION   COMPLIANCE STATE   AGE
    ztp-common.common-config-policy              inform               Compliant          13d
    ztp-common.common-subscriptions-policy       inform               Compliant          13d
    ztp-group.group-du-sno-config-policy         inform               Compliant          13d
    ztp-group.group-du-sno-validator-du-policy   inform               Compliant          13d
    ztp-site.example-sno-config-policy           inform               Compliant          13d

    RHACM copies all applicable policies into the cluster namespace. The copied policy names have the format: <PolicyGenerator.Namespace>.<PolicyGenerator.Name>-<policyName>.

  5. Check the placement rule for any policies not copied to the cluster namespace. The matchSelector in the Placement for those policies should match labels on the ManagedCluster object:

    $ oc get Placement -n $NS
  6. Note the Placement name appropriate for the missing policy, common, group, or site, using the following command:

    $ oc get Placement -n $NS <placement_rule_name> -o yaml
    • The status-decisions should include your cluster name.

    • The key-value pair of the matchSelector in the spec must match the labels on your managed cluster.

  7. Check the labels on the ManagedCluster object by using the following command:

    $ oc get ManagedCluster $CLUSTER -o jsonpath='{.metadata.labels}' | jq
  8. Check to see what policies are compliant by using the following command:

    $ oc get policy -n $CLUSTER

    If the Namespace, OperatorGroup, and Subscription policies are compliant but the Operator configuration policies are not, it is likely that the Operators did not install on the managed cluster. This causes the Operator configuration policies to fail to apply because the CRD is not yet applied to the spoke.

Restarting policy reconciliation

You can restart policy reconciliation when unexpected compliance issues occur, for example, when the ClusterGroupUpgrade custom resource (CR) has timed out.

  1. A ClusterGroupUpgrade CR is generated in the namespace ztp-install by the Topology Aware Lifecycle Manager after the managed cluster becomes Ready:

    $ export CLUSTER=<clusterName>
    $ oc get clustergroupupgrades -n ztp-install $CLUSTER
  2. If there are unexpected issues and the policies fail to become complaint within the configured timeout (the default is 4 hours), the status of the ClusterGroupUpgrade CR shows UpgradeTimedOut:

    $ oc get clustergroupupgrades -n ztp-install $CLUSTER -o jsonpath='{.status.conditions[?(@.type=="Ready")]}'
  3. A ClusterGroupUpgrade CR in the UpgradeTimedOut state automatically restarts its policy reconciliation every hour. If you have changed your policies, you can start a retry immediately by deleting the existing ClusterGroupUpgrade CR. This triggers the automatic creation of a new ClusterGroupUpgrade CR that begins reconciling the policies immediately:

    $ oc delete clustergroupupgrades -n ztp-install $CLUSTER

Note that when the ClusterGroupUpgrade CR completes with status UpgradeCompleted and the managed cluster has the label ztp-done applied, you can make additional configuration changes by using PolicyGenerator. Deleting the existing ClusterGroupUpgrade CR will not make the TALM generate a new CR.

At this point, GitOps ZTP has completed its interaction with the cluster and any further interactions should be treated as an update and a new ClusterGroupUpgrade CR created for remediation of the policies.

Additional resources

Changing applied managed cluster CRs using policies

You can remove content from a custom resource (CR) that is deployed in a managed cluster through a policy.

By default, all Policy CRs created from a PolicyGenerator CR have the complianceType field set to musthave. A musthave policy without the removed content is still compliant because the CR on the managed cluster has all the specified content. With this configuration, when you remove content from a CR, TALM removes the content from the policy but the content is not removed from the CR on the managed cluster.

With the complianceType field to mustonlyhave, the policy ensures that the CR on the cluster is an exact match of what is specified in the policy.

  • You have installed the OpenShift CLI (oc).

  • You have logged in to the hub cluster as a user with cluster-admin privileges.

  • You have deployed a managed cluster from a hub cluster running RHACM.

  • You have installed Topology Aware Lifecycle Manager on the hub cluster.

  1. Remove the content that you no longer need from the affected CRs. In this example, the disableDrain: false line was removed from the SriovOperatorConfig CR.

    Example CR
    apiVersion: sriovnetwork.openshift.io/v1
    kind: SriovOperatorConfig
      name: default
      namespace: openshift-sriov-network-operator
        "node-role.kubernetes.io/$mcp": ""
      disableDrain: true
      enableInjector: true
      enableOperatorWebhook: true
  2. Change the complianceType of the affected policies to mustonlyhave in the acm-group-du-sno-ranGen.yaml file.

    Example YAML
    # ...
      complianceType: "mustonlyhave"
    # ...
      - name: config-policy
          ran.openshift.io/ztp-deploy-wave: ""
          - path: source-crs/SriovOperatorConfig.yaml
  3. Create a ClusterGroupUpdates CR and specify the clusters that must receive the CR changes::

    Example ClusterGroupUpdates CR
    apiVersion: ran.openshift.io/v1alpha1
    kind: ClusterGroupUpgrade
      name: cgu-remove
      namespace: default
        - ztp-group.group-du-sno-config-policy
      enable: false
      - spoke1
      - spoke2
        maxConcurrency: 2
        timeout: 240
  4. Create the ClusterGroupUpgrade CR by running the following command:

    $ oc create -f cgu-remove.yaml
  5. When you are ready to apply the changes, for example, during an appropriate maintenance window, change the value of the spec.enable field to true by running the following command:

    $ oc --namespace=default patch clustergroupupgrade.ran.openshift.io/cgu-remove \
    --patch '{"spec":{"enable":true}}' --type=merge
  1. Check the status of the policies by running the following command:

    $ oc get <kind> <changed_cr_name>
    Example output
    NAMESPACE   NAME                                                   REMEDIATION ACTION   COMPLIANCE STATE   AGE
    default     cgu-ztp-group.group-du-sno-config-policy               enforce                                 17m
    default     ztp-group.group-du-sno-config-policy                   inform               NonCompliant       15h

    When the COMPLIANCE STATE of the policy is Compliant, it means that the CR is updated and the unwanted content is removed.

  2. Check that the policies are removed from the targeted clusters by running the following command on the managed clusters:

    $ oc get <kind> <changed_cr_name>

    If there are no results, the CR is removed from the managed cluster.

Indication of done for GitOps ZTP installations

GitOps Zero Touch Provisioning (ZTP) simplifies the process of checking the GitOps ZTP installation status for a cluster. The GitOps ZTP status moves through three phases: cluster installation, cluster configuration, and GitOps ZTP done.

Cluster installation phase

The cluster installation phase is shown by the ManagedClusterJoined and ManagedClusterAvailable conditions in the ManagedCluster CR . If the ManagedCluster CR does not have these conditions, or the condition is set to False, the cluster is still in the installation phase. Additional details about installation are available from the AgentClusterInstall and ClusterDeployment CRs. For more information, see "Troubleshooting GitOps ZTP".

Cluster configuration phase

The cluster configuration phase is shown by a ztp-running label applied the ManagedCluster CR for the cluster.

GitOps ZTP done

Cluster installation and configuration is complete in the GitOps ZTP done phase. This is shown by the removal of the ztp-running label and addition of the ztp-done label to the ManagedCluster CR. The ztp-done label shows that the configuration has been applied and the baseline DU configuration has completed cluster tuning.

The change to the GitOps ZTP done state is conditional on the compliant state of a Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management (RHACM) validator inform policy. This policy captures the existing criteria for a completed installation and validates that it moves to a compliant state only when GitOps ZTP provisioning of the managed cluster is complete.

The validator inform policy ensures the configuration of the cluster is fully applied and Operators have completed their initialization. The policy validates the following:

  • The target MachineConfigPool contains the expected entries and has finished updating. All nodes are available and not degraded.

  • The SR-IOV Operator has completed initialization as indicated by at least one SriovNetworkNodeState with syncStatus: Succeeded.

  • The PTP Operator daemon set exists.