
After OKD is installed, core platform monitoring components immediately begin collecting metrics, which you can query and view. The default in-cluster monitoring stack includes the core platform Prometheus instance that collects metrics from your cluster and the core Alertmanager instance that routes alerts, among other components. Depending on who will use the monitoring stack and for what purposes, as a cluster administrator, you can further configure these monitoring components to suit the needs of different users in various scenarios.

Configuring core platform monitoring: Postinstallation steps

After OKD is installed, cluster administrators typically configure core platform monitoring to suit their needs. These activities include setting up storage and configuring options for Prometheus, Alertmanager, and other monitoring components.

By default, in a newly installed OKD system, users can query and view collected metrics. You need only configure an alert receiver if you want users to receive alert notifications. Any other configuration options listed here are optional.

With the monitoring stack configured to suit your needs, Prometheus collects metrics from the specified services and stores these metrics according to your settings. You can go to the Observe pages in the OKD web console to view and query collected metrics, manage alerts, identify performance bottlenecks, and scale resources as needed:

  • View dashboards to visualize collected metrics, troubleshoot alerts, and monitor other information about your cluster.

  • Query collected metrics by creating PromQL queries or using predefined queries.