
The AWS Load Balancer Operator deploys and manages the AWS Load Balancer Controller. You can install the AWS Load Balancer Operator from the OperatorHub by using OKD web console or CLI.

Installing the AWS Load Balancer Operator by using the web console

You can install the AWS Load Balancer Operator by using the web console.

  • You have logged in to the OKD web console as a user with cluster-admin permissions.

  • Your cluster is configured with AWS as the platform type and cloud provider.

  • If you are using a security token service (STS) or user-provisioned infrastructure, follow the related preparation steps. For example, if you are using AWS Security Token Service, see "Preparing for the AWS Load Balancer Operator on a cluster using the AWS Security Token Service (STS)".

  1. Navigate to OperatorsOperatorHub in the OKD web console.

  2. Select the AWS Load Balancer Operator. You can use the Filter by keyword text box or use the filter list to search for the AWS Load Balancer Operator from the list of Operators.

  3. Select the aws-load-balancer-operator namespace.

  4. On the Install Operator page, select the following options:

    1. Update the channel as stable-v1.

    2. Installation mode as All namespaces on the cluster (default).

    3. Installed Namespace as aws-load-balancer-operator. If the aws-load-balancer-operator namespace does not exist, it gets created during the Operator installation.

    4. Select Update approval as Automatic or Manual. By default, the Update approval is set to Automatic. If you select automatic updates, the Operator Lifecycle Manager (OLM) automatically upgrades the running instance of your Operator without any intervention. If you select manual updates, the OLM creates an update request. As a cluster administrator, you must then manually approve that update request to update the Operator updated to the new version.

  5. Click Install.

  • Verify that the AWS Load Balancer Operator shows the Status as Succeeded on the Installed Operators dashboard.

Installing the AWS Load Balancer Operator by using the CLI

You can install the AWS Load Balancer Operator by using the CLI.

  • You are logged in to the OKD web console as a user with cluster-admin permissions.

  • Your cluster is configured with AWS as the platform type and cloud provider.

  • You are logged into the OpenShift CLI (oc).

  1. Create a Namespace object:

    1. Create a YAML file that defines the Namespace object:

      Example namespace.yaml file

      apiVersion: v1
      kind: Namespace
        name: aws-load-balancer-operator
    2. Create the Namespace object by running the following command:

      $ oc apply -f namespace.yaml
  2. Create an OperatorGroup object:

    1. Create a YAML file that defines the OperatorGroup object:

      Example operatorgroup.yaml file

      apiVersion: operators.coreos.com/v1
      kind: OperatorGroup
        name: aws-lb-operatorgroup
        namespace: aws-load-balancer-operator
        upgradeStrategy: Default
    2. Create the OperatorGroup object by running the following command:

      $ oc apply -f operatorgroup.yaml
  3. Create a Subscription object:

    1. Create a YAML file that defines the Subscription object:

      Example subscription.yaml file

      apiVersion: operators.coreos.com/v1alpha1
      kind: Subscription
        name: aws-load-balancer-operator
        namespace: aws-load-balancer-operator
        channel: stable-v1
        installPlanApproval: Automatic
        name: aws-load-balancer-operator
        source: redhat-operators
        sourceNamespace: openshift-marketplace
    2. Create the Subscription object by running the following command:

      $ oc apply -f subscription.yaml
  1. Get the name of the install plan from the subscription:

    $ oc -n aws-load-balancer-operator \
        get subscription aws-load-balancer-operator \
  2. Check the status of the install plan:

    $ oc -n aws-load-balancer-operator \
        get ip <install_plan_name> \

    The output must be Complete.

Creating the AWS Load Balancer Controller

You can install only a single instance of the AWSLoadBalancerController object in a cluster. You can create the AWS Load Balancer Controller by using CLI. The AWS Load Balancer Operator reconciles only the cluster named resource.

  • You have created the echoserver namespace.

  • You have access to the OpenShift CLI (oc).

  1. Create a YAML file that defines the AWSLoadBalancerController object:

    Example sample-aws-lb.yaml file

    apiVersion: networking.olm.openshift.io/v1
    kind: AWSLoadBalancerController (1)
      name: cluster (2)
      subnetTagging: Auto (3)
      additionalResourceTags: (4)
      - key: example.org/security-scope
        value: staging
      ingressClass: alb (5)
        replicas: 2 (6)
      enabledAddons: (7)
        - AWSWAFv2 (8)
    1 Defines the AWSLoadBalancerController object.
    2 Defines the AWS Load Balancer Controller name. This instance name gets added as a suffix to all related resources.
    3 Configures the subnet tagging method for the AWS Load Balancer Controller. The following values are valid:
    • Auto: The AWS Load Balancer Operator determines the subnets that belong to the cluster and tags them appropriately. The Operator cannot determine the role correctly if the internal subnet tags are not present on internal subnet.

    • Manual: You manually tag the subnets that belong to the cluster with the appropriate role tags. Use this option if you installed your cluster on user-provided infrastructure.

    4 Defines the tags used by the AWS Load Balancer Controller when it provisions AWS resources.
    5 Defines the ingress class name. The default value is alb.
    6 Specifies the number of replicas of the AWS Load Balancer Controller.
    7 Specifies annotations as an add-on for the AWS Load Balancer Controller.
    8 Enables the alb.ingress.kubernetes.io/wafv2-acl-arn annotation.
  2. Create the AWSLoadBalancerController object by running the following command:

    $ oc create -f sample-aws-lb.yaml
  3. Create a YAML file that defines the Deployment resource:

    Example sample-aws-lb.yaml file

    apiVersion: apps/v1
    kind: Deployment (1)
      name: <echoserver> (2)
      namespace: echoserver
          app: echoserver
      replicas: 3 (3)
            app: echoserver
            - image: openshift/origin-node
               - "/bin/socat"
                - TCP4-LISTEN:8080,reuseaddr,fork
                - EXEC:'/bin/bash -c \"printf \\\"HTTP/1.0 200 OK\r\n\r\n\\\"; sed -e \\\"/^\r/q\\\"\"'
              imagePullPolicy: Always
              name: echoserver
                - containerPort: 8080
    1 Defines the deployment resource.
    2 Specifies the deployment name.
    3 Specifies the number of replicas of the deployment.
  4. Create a YAML file that defines the Service resource:

    Example service-albo.yaml file

    apiVersion: v1
    kind: Service (1)
      name: <echoserver> (2)
      namespace: echoserver
        - port: 80
          targetPort: 8080
          protocol: TCP
      type: NodePort
        app: echoserver
    1 Defines the service resource.
    2 Specifies the service name.
  5. Create a YAML file that defines the Ingress resource:

    Example ingress-albo.yaml file

    apiVersion: networking.k8s.io/v1
    kind: Ingress
      name: <name> (1)
      namespace: echoserver
        alb.ingress.kubernetes.io/scheme: internet-facing
        alb.ingress.kubernetes.io/target-type: instance
      ingressClassName: alb
        - http:
              - path: /
                pathType: Exact
                    name: <echoserver> (2)
                      number: 80
    1 Specify a name for the Ingress resource.
    2 Specifies the service name.
  • Save the status of the Ingress resource in the HOST variable by running the following command:

    $ HOST=$(oc get ingress -n echoserver echoserver --template='{{(index .status.loadBalancer.ingress 0).hostname}}')
  • Verify the status of the Ingress resource by running the following command:

    $ curl $HOST