

OKD can provision persistent volumes (PVs) using the Container Storage Interface (CSI) driver for Google Cloud Platform (GCP) persistent disk (PD) storage.

Familiarity with persistent storage and configuring CSI volumes is recommended when working with a Container Storage Interface (CSI) Operator and driver.

To create CSI-provisioned persistent volumes (PVs) that mount to GCP PD storage assets, OKD installs the GCP PD CSI Driver Operator and the GCP PD CSI driver by default in the openshift-cluster-csi-drivers namespace.

  • GCP PD CSI Driver Operator: By default, the Operator provides a storage class that you can use to create PVCs. You can disable this default storage class if desired (see Managing the default storage class). You also have the option to create the GCP PD storage class as described in Persistent storage using GCE Persistent Disk.

  • GCP PD driver: The driver enables you to create and mount GCP PD PVs.

    GCP PD CSI driver supports the C3 instance type for bare metal and N4 machine series. The C3 instance type and N4 machine series support the hyperdisk-balanced disks.

OKD provides automatic migration for the GCE Persistent Disk in-tree volume plugin to its equivalent CSI driver. For more information, see CSI automatic migration.

C3 instance type for bare metal and N4 machine series

C3 and N4 instance type limitations

The GCP PD CSI driver support for the C3 instance type for bare metal and N4 machine series have the following limitations:

  • Cloning volumes is not supported when using storage pools.

  • For cloning or resizing, hyperdisk-balanced disks original volume size must be 6Gi or greater.

  • The default storage class is standard-csi.

    You need to manually create a storage class.

    For information about creating the storage class, see Step 2 in Section Setting up hyperdisk-balanced disks.

  • Clusters with mixed virtual machines (VMs) that use different storage types, for example, N2 and N4, are not supported. This is due to hyperdisks-balanced disks not being usable on most legacy VMs. Similarly, regular persistent disks are not usable on N4/C3 VMs.

  • A GCP cluster with c3-standard-2, c3-standard-4, n4-standard-2, and n4-standard-4 nodes can erroneously exceed the maximum attachable disk number, which should be 16 (JIRA link).

Storage pools for hyperdisk-balanced disks overview

Hyperdisk storage pools can be used with Compute Engine for large-scale storage. A hyperdisk storage pool is a purchased collection of capacity, throughput, and IOPS, which you can then provision for your applications as needed. You can use hyperdisk storage pools to create and manage disks in pools and use the disks across multiple workloads. By managing disks in aggregate, you can save costs while achieving expected capacity and performance growth. By using only the storage that you need in hyperdisk storage pools, you reduce the complexity of forecasting capacity and reduce management by going from managing hundreds of disks to managing a single storage pool.

To set up storage pools, see Setting up hyperdisk-balanced disks.

Setting up hyperdisk-balanced disks

  • Access to the cluster with administrative privileges


To set up hyperdisk-balanced disks:

  1. Create GCP cluster with attached disks provisioned with hyperdisk-balanced disks.

  2. Create a storage class specifying the hyperdisk-balanced disks during installation:

    1. Follow the procedure in the Installing a cluster on GCP with customizations section.

      For your install-config.yaml file, use the following example file:

      Example install-config YAML file

      apiVersion: v1
        name: ci-op-9976b7t2-8aa6b
      sshKey: |
          region: us-central1
        architecture: amd64
        name: master
            type: n4-standard-4 (1)
              diskType: hyperdisk-balanced (2)
              diskSizeGB: 200
        replicas: 3
      - architecture: amd64
        name: worker
        replicas: 3
            type: n4-standard-4 (1)
              diskType: hyperdisk-balanced (2)
      1 Specifies the node type as n4-standard-4.
      2 Specifies the node has the root disk backed by hyperdisk-balanced disk type. All nodes in the cluster should use the same disk type, either hyperdisks-balanced or pd-*.

      All nodes in the cluster must support hyperdisk-balanced volumes. Clusters with mixed nodes are not supported, for example N2 and N3 using hyperdisk-balanced disks.

    2. After step 3 in Incorporating the Cloud Credential Operator utility manifests section, copy the following manifests into the manifests directory created by the installation program:

      • cluster_csi_driver.yaml - specifies opting out of the default storage class creation

      • storageclass.yaml - creates a hyperdisk-specific storage class

        Example cluster CSI driver YAML file

        apiVersion: operator.openshift.io/v1
        kind: "ClusterCSIDriver"
          name: "pd.csi.storage.gke.io"
          logLevel: Normal
          managementState: Managed
          operatorLogLevel: Normal
          storageClassState: Unmanaged (1)
        1 Specifies disabling creation of the default OKD storage classes.
        Example storage class YAML file

        apiVersion: storage.k8s.io/v1
        kind: StorageClass
          name: hyperdisk-sc (1)
            storageclass.kubernetes.io/is-default-class: "true"
        provisioner: pd.csi.storage.gke.io (2)
        volumeBindingMode: WaitForFirstConsumer
        allowVolumeExpansion: true
        reclaimPolicy: Delete
          type: hyperdisk-balanced (3)
          replication-type: none
          provisioned-throughput-on-create: "140Mi" (4)
          provisioned-iops-on-create: "3000" (5)
          storage-pools: projects/my-project/zones/us-east4-c/storagePools/pool-us-east4-c (6)
        allowedTopologies: (7)
        - matchLabelExpressions:
          - key: topology.kubernetes.io/zone
            - us-east4-c
        1 Specify the name for your storage class. In this example, it is hyperdisk-sc.
        2 pd.csi.storage.gke.io specifies GCP CSI provisioner.
        3 Specifies using hyperdisk-balanced disks.
        4 Specifies the throughput value in MiBps using the "Mi" qualifier. For example, if your required throughput is 250 MiBps, specify "250Mi". If you do not specify a value, the capacity is based upon the disk type default.
        5 Specifies the IOPS value without any qualifiers. For example, if you require 7,000 IOPS, specify "7000". If you do not specify a value, the capacity is based upon the disk type default.
        6 If using storage pools, specify a list of specific storage pools that you want to use in the format: projects/PROJECT_ID/zones/ZONE/storagePools/STORAGE_POOL_NAME.
        7 If using storage pools, set allowedTopologies to restrict the topology of provisioned volumes to where the storage pool exists. In this example, us-east4-c.
  3. Create a persistent volume claim (PVC) that uses the hyperdisk-specific storage class using the following example YAML file:

    Example PVC YAML file

    apiVersion: v1
    kind: PersistentVolumeClaim
      name: my-pvc
      storageClassName: hyperdisk-sc (1)
      - ReadWriteOnce
          storage: 2048Gi (2)
    1 PVC references the the storage pool-specific storage class. In this example, hyperdisk-sc.
    2 Target storage capacity of the hyperdisk-balanced volume. In this example, 2048Gi.
  4. Create a deployment that uses the PVC that you just created. Using a deployment helps ensure that your application has access to the persistent storage even after the pod restarts and rescheduling:

    1. Ensure a node pool with the specified machine series is up and running before creating the deployment. Otherwise, the pod fails to schedule.

    2. Use the following example YAML file to create the deployment:

      Example deployment YAML file

      apiVersion: apps/v1
      kind: Deployment
        name: postgres
            app: postgres
              app: postgres
              cloud.google.com/machine-family: n4 (1)
            - name: postgres
              image: postgres:14-alpine
              args: [ "sleep", "3600" ]
              - name: sdk-volume
                mountPath: /usr/share/data/
            - name: sdk-volume
                claimName: my-pvc (2)
      1 Specifies the machine family. In this example, it is n4.
      2 Specifies the name of the PVC created in the preceding step. In this example, it is my-pfc.
    3. Confirm that the deployment was successfully created by running the following command:

      $ oc get deployment
      Example output

      postgres   0/1     1            0           42s

      It might take a few minutes for hyperdisk instances to complete provisioning and display a READY status.

    4. Confirm that PVC my-pvc has been successfully bound to a persistent volume (PV) by running the following command:

      $ oc get pvc my-pvc
      Example output

      NAME          STATUS   VOLUME                                     CAPACITY   ACCESS MODES   STORAGECLASS       VOLUMEATTRIBUTESCLASS  AGE
      my-pvc        Bound    pvc-1ff52479-4c81-4481-aa1d-b21c8f8860c6   2Ti        RWO            hyperdisk-sc       <unset>                2m24s
    5. Confirm the expected configuration of your hyperdisk-balanced disk:

      $ gcloud compute disks list
      Example output

      NAME                                        LOCATION        LOCATION_SCOPE  SIZE_GB  TYPE                STATUS
      instance-20240914-173145-boot               us-central1-a   zone            150      pd-standard         READY
      instance-20240914-173145-data-workspace     us-central1-a   zone            100      pd-balanced         READY
      c4a-rhel-vm                                 us-central1-a   zone            50       hyperdisk-balanced  READY (1)
      1 Hyperdisk-balanced disk.
    6. If using storage pools, check that the volume is provisioned as specified in your storage class and PVC by running the following command:

      $ gcloud compute storage-pools list-disks pool-us-east4-c --zone=us-east4-c
      Example output

      NAME                                      STATUS  PROVISIONED_IOPS  PROVISIONED_THROUGHPUT  SIZE_GB
      pvc-1ff52479-4c81-4481-aa1d-b21c8f8860c6  READY   3000              140                     2048

About CSI

Storage vendors have traditionally provided storage drivers as part of Kubernetes. With the implementation of the Container Storage Interface (CSI), third-party providers can instead deliver storage plugins using a standard interface without ever having to change the core Kubernetes code.

CSI Operators give OKD users storage options, such as volume snapshots, that are not possible with in-tree volume plugins.

GCP PD CSI driver storage class parameters

The Google Cloud Platform (GCP) persistent disk (PD) Container Storage Interface (CSI) driver uses the CSI external-provisioner sidecar as a controller. This is a separate helper container that is deployed with the CSI driver. The sidecar manages persistent volumes (PVs) by triggering the CreateVolume operation.

The GCP PD CSI driver uses the csi.storage.k8s.io/fstype parameter key to support dynamic provisioning. The following table describes all the GCP PD CSI storage class parameters that are supported by OKD.

Table 1. CreateVolume Parameters
Parameter Values Default Description


pd-ssd, pd-standard, or pd-balanced


Allows you to choose between standard PVs or solid-state-drive PVs.

The driver does not validate the value, thus all the possible values are accepted.


none or regional-pd


Allows you to choose between zonal or regional PVs.


Fully qualified resource identifier for the key to use to encrypt new disks.

Empty string

Uses customer-managed encryption keys (CMEK) to encrypt new disks.

Creating a custom-encrypted persistent volume

When you create a PersistentVolumeClaim object, OKD provisions a new persistent volume (PV) and creates a PersistentVolume object. You can add a custom encryption key in Google Cloud Platform (GCP) to protect a PV in your cluster by encrypting the newly created PV.

For encryption, the newly attached PV that you create uses customer-managed encryption keys (CMEK) on a cluster by using a new or existing Google Cloud Key Management Service (KMS) key.

  • You are logged in to a running OKD cluster.

  • You have created a Cloud KMS key ring and key version.

For more information about CMEK and Cloud KMS resources, see Using customer-managed encryption keys (CMEK).


To create a custom-encrypted PV, complete the following steps:

  1. Create a storage class with the Cloud KMS key. The following example enables dynamic provisioning of encrypted volumes:

    apiVersion: storage.k8s.io/v1
    kind: StorageClass
      name: csi-gce-pd-cmek
    provisioner: pd.csi.storage.gke.io
    volumeBindingMode: "WaitForFirstConsumer"
    allowVolumeExpansion: true
      type: pd-standard
      disk-encryption-kms-key: projects/<key-project-id>/locations/<location>/keyRings/<key-ring>/cryptoKeys/<key> (1)
    1 This field must be the resource identifier for the key that will be used to encrypt new disks. Values are case-sensitive. For more information about providing key ID values, see Retrieving a resource’s ID and Getting a Cloud KMS resource ID.

    You cannot add the disk-encryption-kms-key parameter to an existing storage class. However, you can delete the storage class and recreate it with the same name and a different set of parameters. If you do this, the provisioner of the existing class must be pd.csi.storage.gke.io.

  2. Deploy the storage class on your OKD cluster using the oc command:

    $ oc describe storageclass csi-gce-pd-cmek
    Example output

    Name:                  csi-gce-pd-cmek
    IsDefaultClass:        No
    Annotations:           None
    Provisioner:           pd.csi.storage.gke.io
    Parameters:            disk-encryption-kms-key=projects/key-project-id/locations/location/keyRings/ring-name/cryptoKeys/key-name,type=pd-standard
    AllowVolumeExpansion:  true
    MountOptions:          none
    ReclaimPolicy:         Delete
    VolumeBindingMode:     WaitForFirstConsumer
    Events:                none
  3. Create a file named pvc.yaml that matches the name of your storage class object that you created in the previous step:

    kind: PersistentVolumeClaim
    apiVersion: v1
      name: podpvc
        - ReadWriteOnce
      storageClassName: csi-gce-pd-cmek
          storage: 6Gi

    If you marked the new storage class as default, you can omit the storageClassName field.

  4. Apply the PVC on your cluster:

    $ oc apply -f pvc.yaml
  5. Get the status of your PVC and verify that it is created and bound to a newly provisioned PV:

    $ oc get pvc
    Example output

    NAME      STATUS    VOLUME                                     CAPACITY   ACCESS MODES   STORAGECLASS     AGE
    podpvc    Bound     pvc-e36abf50-84f3-11e8-8538-42010a800002   10Gi       RWO            csi-gce-pd-cmek  9s

    If your storage class has the volumeBindingMode field set to WaitForFirstConsumer, you must create a pod to use the PVC before you can verify it.

Your CMEK-protected PV is now ready to use with your OKD cluster.

User-managed encryption

The user-managed encryption feature allows you to provide keys during installation that encrypt OKD node root volumes, and enables all managed storage classes to use these keys to encrypt provisioned storage volumes. You must specify the custom key in the platform.<cloud_type>.defaultMachinePlatform field in the install-config YAML file.

This features supports the following storage types:

  • Amazon Web Services (AWS) Elastic Block storage (EBS)

  • Microsoft Azure Disk storage

  • Google Cloud Platform (GCP) persistent disk (PD) storage

  • IBM Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) Block storage

For information about installing with user-managed encryption for GCP PD, see Installation configuration parameters.